I slump my shoulders hoping like hell he’s right. I have no alternative than to believe what he says and trust in his decisions. We head to the Shack, and Kace leads me to a table. “Take a seat, and I’ll order for us. Know what you want?”
“Yeah, I’ll have an original with cheese fries, please.”
He raises an eyebrow and smirks. “Lily, you know the original has three burger patties, right?”
I smirk and nod. “Yeah, I keep telling you, I’m hungry. We haven’t eaten in ages, Kace.”
His smile fades, and he nods. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
I reach out grabbing his hand and shake my head. “No, it’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
He takes a deep breath and nods once, then turns to walk to the counter. Sighing, I slump into the chair feeling like an idiot for making him feel bad. I didn’t mean to do that. It’s just the smell in here is driving my stomach into overdrive, and I feel like I might pass out if I don’t eat soon.
My hand moves to my jean’s pocket to pull out my cell by force of habit. When I realize it isn’t there, a sense of loss and annoyance floods over me. The life I knew—the life I had—is gone, and I wonder how Molly is? What is happening back in Washington? Is the world still revolving without me? Are my mom and dad okay? Are they looking after Liam still, or is he struggling? I hate not being in contact. Even though it’s only been a couple of days, not being able to pick up the phone and just call someone is harder than I ever would have thought. My phone is back in the hotel room, and the burner phone Kace stole from the drunk guy was ditched after we left Yana’s.
I’m lost in my own thoughts when a plate is placed in front of me, and the smell of grease and deliciousness wafts up through my nose. Looking up, I see Kace, and I smile. “Thank you!” I say as he sits down opposite me with his grilled chicken burger and side salad. Smirking, I think how funny it is that it’s like a complete role reversal. Generally, the women order the salads and watch their weight, while the men gorge on the fatty foods. But I guess with a body like his, you don’t get that from eating three all-beef patties.
I pick up a cheese slathered fry and place it into my mouth. A flavor explosion hits me, I’m not sure if the fry really is that amazing or if I’m just that hungry, it’s making everything amazing, but I’m loving it. A small moan escapes from my mouth, and I can’t stop myself. I start to shovel the fries in one after the other. A drip of the cheese sauce slides down my chin, but I don’t care as I gobble down the greasy food. I’m lost in a food frenzy when Kace starts to chuckle breaking me away. I stop mid-shovel and look at Kace as he watches me with his eyes wide and grinning like he’s in awe. I grab a napkin and wipe the cheese from my chin and clear my throat.
“You really are a dream girl,” he says.
“What?” I say with my mouth still half-full, and a munched-up fry drops out of my mouth and onto the table. This instantly causes him to laugh. I open my eyes wide at my lack of decorum and swallow my food sensibly this time.
“I like how you don’t care what people think. You just do your thing and fuck the world,” he says.
I clear my throat and smile. “Well, I’m not always like that. It’s just food and me, we’re good friends.”
“I can see that.”
Chewing on my bottom lip, I look down at my practically empty cheese-fries container and over to his untouched meal and sigh. I’ve been a pig.
He reaches out grabbing my greasy hands, making me look up at him. “Hey, I like watching you eat, it’s kinda sexy.” The gleam in his eye tells me he’s telling the truth, and I smirk, shifting in my seat at his gaze.
“Kace, we’re not going to the bathroom, if that’s what you’re thinking!”
He chuckles, letting my hands go and picks up a fork stabbing a piece of lettuce. “Didn’t cross my mind. Well… only once.”
I chuckle and look down at my three-patty burger, and my stomach growls again.
“You know it’s only going to turn me on more watching you eat that.”
My cheeks flush red. “Oh my God, Kace!” I berate, rolling my eyes.
He chuckles as I pick up my burger and take a bite wondering if he really is going to be turned on or not. A part of me hopes so because, for some reason, I can’t seem to get enough of him now I’ve had a taste.
We hit the road again after I devoured the entire burger, and Kace said he was impressed I could eat that much for such a little thing. I have to admit now that my stomach is so full, I feel a little nauseous, but I don’t know when I’ll be eating again, so I figured I’d eat as much as I could to keep me fuller for longer.
“Okay. So now we have clothes and supplies and some new information from Yana, what’s next?”
Kace tilts his head. “I’m thinking we go to another asset. I need more information than Yana provided, and I think I know the guy to give it.”
I slump my body in relief. “At least it’s a guy this time,” I murmur.
Kace glances at me and smirks. “Jealousy looks good on you. I’d like to see it with those black lace panties.”
“Eyes on the road, Agent Colt,” I demand.