Page 6 of Smoke and Mirrors

“There goes the gay theory,” she whispers then looks back at him. “Don’t be a fool and wrap your tool,” she calls out to him. My heart jumps up into my throat in embarrassment as she smirks and scurries off past him down the hall. My cheeks flush red hot as he ushers the women inside his apartment, and I stand like a fool watching him, stunned to the spot. Whether I’m astounded by Molly’s words or just the sheer fact that he looks so goddamn gorgeous tonight, I’m not sure, but something about this situation is taking my breath away.

“Friend of yours?” he asks.

His voice is like deep rich velvet, and it makes my knees wobble as he looks at me with a slight smirk. My mouth opens, and I gasp slightly trying to catch my breath before I’m able to speak. “She’s actually really nice… once you get to know her.”

He looks back into his room, and my chest pounds ferociously as my breath is knocked from me again. What the hell?

“Yeah, all is not as it seems,” he says, and my brows crease together at his odd choice of words.

What isn’t as it seems?


Or the fact that he just took two, who look like hookers, into his room?

“Have a nice night, Lily.”

I nod, and then it suddenly hits me—how the fuck does he know my name?

Chewing on my bottom lip, I flare my nostrils. “What’s your name?”

He smiles. “I’m Kace Colt.” He shuts the door behind him, and I take a deep breath shaking my head wondering who is Kace Colt?


Apart from my parents’ farm, the zoo that’s conveniently located just two blocks from my apartment is the only other place that I feel at complete peace. I love my work, but Steven’s bad attitude and the constant need to degrade his staff, makes it feel like I’m always walking on eggshells.

I hate it.

I volunteer at the zoo one day a week, helping out the vets who work here, assisting with the daily care of the animals or assisting with large operations where more hands are needed. It breathes life into my body.

Not only am I able to go behind the scenes, but I’m continuously learning, thanks to the head zoo veterinarian, Marshall. He fuels my thirst for knowledge and my passion.

Today we are working in an area that both scares and excites me—the lions.

One of the females gave birth a few days ago, and it’s time to give the three new baby cubs a check-up. Today’s actually my day off from work, but when Marshall called, I couldn’t give up the opportunity to snuggle with these new little ones.

I bounce on the balls of my feet as Marshall explains to the team of people around him how fast we’re going to get the job done. The last thing we want is to stress the momma out. Marshall and I have been working with this proud girl, Misty, for over a year, and we seem to have created a strong bond. I’m not under the false impression that she won’t attack me if she catches me trying to snatch away one of her babies, though.

“Ready, Lily?” Marshall asks with an excited smile.

I clap my hands. “So ready.”

The separation of Misty from her three little ones goes to plan, and I take my time enjoying the softness of their fur while Marshall and one of the other vets speed through their health checks— weighing, finding out the sex of each, taking temperatures, and having a quick cuddle before returning them to a pacing Mom.

Misty’s eyes watch me through the cage as I handle each of her children with gentle hands. We may have become friends over the past year, but I have her life in my hands, and if she thinks for a second I’m hurting them, she’ll go straight for my jugular.

These beautiful animals are so stunning and graceful. The power in their bodies is enormous, but yet, for the most part, they seem so peaceful. Almost like a larger version of your house cat that enjoys just eating and sleeping in awkward places.

It’s almost like a defense or disguise.

How can something so beautiful be so damn deadly?

Once finished, I’m walking out the back doors of the enclosure with Marshall, my body buzzing with excitement when something stops me in my tracks.

He’s dressed differently today. Casual jeans and a button-down blue shirt hanging open to reveal a tight white wife-beater that’s almost molded to his body. His strong arms stretch at the fabric of his sleeves. They almost seem tense like they’re ready to strike at any moment.

“Lily?” Marshall’s voice draws me away from the sight in front of me so I turn to him.