Club Menace is already packed by the time we arrive. Molly makes a show as we bypass the queue waiting to get inside and head straight for the doorman. She swings her hips, her tight, black mini- dress leaving little to the imagination as it hugs her curves and dips low in the front, showing off her obviously braless chest.
My navy blue lace number is not quite as stunning, falling mid-thigh with a full top and cropped sleeves, still sexy, but far more subtle.
Molly shakes hands with the bouncer, and he pulls her in for a hug, his hands resting suspiciously low and close to her ass. Luckily for us, Molly worked here last year, so the staff knows her, and we always get in without having to wait.
The bass of the music vibrates through my body, and my hips automatically begin to move with the beat. I smile as Molly pulls me through the entrance, our heels tapping loudly on the wooden floor. We weave through the patrons, people dancing, drinking, men practically drooling over women as they sway their hips and shake their bodies.
Before we make it to the bar, something catches my eye, and I almost trip, pulling on Molly’s hand. She stops, turning to me with an eyebrow raised. I point, and her eyes widen in surprise.
Kace is standing with another man at the bottom of a staircase. The sign next to him reads VIP and the lettering across his shirt reads security.
“What the hell?” I murmur. My feet seem to have a mind of their own as they float toward him. It’s as though he has some kind of magnetic pull on my body. One I can’t control.
I feel Molly following behind me, but my eyes are fixed firmly on Kace. I see the second he notices me, his face one of shock and confusion.
His lips move as he rushes out words to the other security guy beside him before he’s heading for me, meeting me halfway. “What are you doing here?” he asks, his voice tense.
I ignore his sharp tone. “Night out with Molly. How’s your arm?”
His eyes flick to his upper arm where just last night I’d been inside his skin, digging around for a bullet. They come back to me, darker than before. “It’s fine, but you should leave.”
I narrow my eyes. “What?”
“Go home, Lily,” he orders his voice curt and short.
I straighten my back, not liking the tone in his voice or his abruptness. “No. I’ve had a stressful week…” I say, raising my eyebrows, indicating that it was partly his fault. “I’m going to drink and dance and have some fun.”
His hand shoots out, his fingers wrapping around my forearm. “Lily—”
“Unless you have an explanation for me, I’m gonna walk away right now…” I pause waiting for him to say something, but his harsh glare back tells me all I need to know.
I wrench my arm from his grip, taking a step backward. “Have a good night,” I snap, turning on my heel and strutting toward the bar without looking back. I’m tense and agitated. I saved his ass last night, rescuing him from a trip to the hospital. And here he is thinking he can suddenly order me around.
Hoisting myself onto a bar stool, I gesture to the bartender just as Molly drops in beside me with a wide grin.
“You told him.” She laughs.
Part of me is disappointed. I’d conjured up in my mind all these different scenarios I expected Kace to be—asshole was not on the list.
“I just want to have some fun,” I tell her, shaking the bad vibes from my shoulders and trying to forget about him.
Harder done than said when all I can feel is his gaze burning holes in my back. I shudder, trying to shake off the need I feel inside to turn around and meet his eyes.
“Hey, ladies…” the bartender greets with a cute smile. He’s young, blond hair that hangs long around his face reminding me of a surfer. He’s a welcome distraction.
“Cosmos. Two, please,” I order with a smile.
“Sure.” He goes about creating our drinks while Molly leans forward on the bar.
“You’re new here,” she observes, her eyes admiring him. “When’s your break? I know the best places out the back to fuck.” Her blunt comment catches him off guard, and he almost drops the bottle of cranberry juice. I’m not exactly sure what his reply will be. Molly can be brash and unashamed when it comes to picking up guys, it’s really a gamble about which way they’ll take her.
After composing himself, the bartender smirks. “Sorry, honey, I’m gay.”
Molly screws up her nose and sits back on her stool with a sigh. “Damn! My gaydar must be off tonight. Sorry.”
He laughs, finishing up our drinks and slides them across the bar. “No problem, gorgeous.”