Page 96 of Dark Fate

Queen Titania leans forward ever so slightly—a graceful gesture that seems choreographed by nature itself. "You are indeed who you claim to be."

I nod once.

"You bear a considerable weight upon your shoulders," she reflects audibly, her expression one of earnest contemplation. "Displaying such fortitude and resilience in journeying today speaks volumes of your courage. We are aware of the Darkness..."

At her words, I subtly incline my head, an expression of thanks for acknowledging my tale and plight. It's a subtle gesture but carries the weight of my genuine appreciation.

"And regarding this stone that you seek," she proceeds, her words emerging deliberately after a pause sufficient to coax a collective intake of breath in anticipation from those gathered, "I regret to inform you that it lies outside the scope of our wisdom and beyond the confines of our realm."

As her words fade, a gentle rustle stirs among the courtiers—a blend of astonishment and letdown that harmonizes with the descent of my own spirits. The room hums with their soft echoes, each murmur mirroring the heavy drop in my chest.

Firm in my conviction, I address the queen with determined certainty. "If I may, Your Radiance. I have sensed it—the unmistakable tug of the stone. It resides somewhere within this realm. With your permission," I pause, knowing this will certainly get a reaction... "I desire to venture to theCrystal Peaks."

The air erupts with gasps and the buzz of chatter, a testament to the audacity of my request. The queen's eyes flicker with concern, then questions.

Beside me,Faderynmutters urgently, "What are you doing? I've told you no one—"

But his warning is clipped abruptly as King Oberon commands the room. With authority that resonates in every corner, he declares, "Silence, please." The myriad voices fall away, leaving only anticipation hanging in the air.

If this elusive stone isn't playing hide-and-seek right under our noses, then it's rolling out the red carpet at theCrystal Peaks.Faderyndropped some pretty heavy hints back inWhispervale—something aboutUnicornsmoonlighting as top-tier security for a swanky realm-breaking or realm-saving knickknack. Connect the dots, and it's as clear as crystal—I bet my bottom dollar it's stashed up there.

Oberon's face carves a fresco of worry as he pivots my way, those kingly features all tied up in a frown that speaks volumes. "Do you grasp the gravity of your entreaty, my dear?" he inquires, his voice tinged with a solemn depth. "No soul has ever surmounted those formidable peaks and returned to weave their tale. The undertaking you propose bears the semblance of a death wish."

"I do, Your Highness," I assert with a confidence I hope is convincing.

Rhyland's voice sneaks into my mind, a silent murmur, "Are you sure?"

Without missing a beat, I reply internally, "Without a doubt."

On the outside, though, it's all poise and purpose, "I'm here on a quest for the stone—It's my destiny, Your Highness. My gut tells me it's up there in theCrystal Peaks, and I intend to get it."

The room erupts again with a symphony of sharp intakes of breath. But as Queen Titania rises, an expectant hush blankets the court. Each step she takes toward me feels like the tick of a grand clock, halting time itself. She's a cascade of radiance, exuding vibes of sunny days and carefree imaginings. Her smile is a work of art, all warmth and welcome, even as her gaze drifts to the gold crown perched on my head.

"May I?" she inquires, enchanted.

I nod, a bit amused. "It's pretty stuck on there, but you may touch it."

She raises her hand, her fingers graze the cool gold, and the crown sings a note of pure magic in response. "Extraordinary," she whispers with awe, veiling her tone.

Tears glisten in her eyes, creating pools of emotion too deep to wade through merely. "We feared you might be a myth," she confesses through a quiver of relief. "I—we…" her hands splaying wide, gesturing to the entire court, "have awaited your arrival through countless turns of the season. Welcome, at long last."

Then, like the dawn bestows light on the hopeful, she graces me with her pronouncement—where she fills the room with a promise, "You shall have our full support, Danica—the foretold Chosen One, the hopeful Savior of the Seven Realms."

The hall erupts into a symphony of applause and jubilant cheers. It's a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart, knowing these Fae get it—they get me and are on board with this wildly ambitious mission. Their support is like a beacon in the night, and oh, does it fuel the fire for the road ahead.

"But be certain of this," King Oberon's voice cuts through the air, solid as bedrock yet softened by the undercurrent of kindness that threads through his words.

Everyone goes silent. His eyes lock onto mine with a determination as unwavering as his stance, a clear testament to his resolve and the subtle warmth of his royal regard. "Your expedition to that treacherous place will not be devoid of tribulation. The path is fraught with peril, yet rest assured, we shall extend our aid to you in whichever manner lies within our power."

I dip my head, the universal sign for 'I gotcha,' but inside, my scientist's brain is doing somersaults, cartwheeling through every rational and empirical alleyway, trying to pin down what boogeyman could possibly be haunting the hills of the fabledCrystal Peaks.



The invitation to remain throws me for a loop—unexpected yet a reprieve that feels like a gulp of fresh air—having a moment to breathe, to prep, and to steel our nerves before taking on theCrystal Peaks? That's a slice of heaven we'd be fools to shoo away.

ShootingRhylanda glance, I see that telltale arch of his brow, his silent way of saying, 'Yep, we're totally on the same page, babe.' He's got that 'let's milk this for all it's worth' glint in his eye, and frankly, I'm right there with him, ready to squeeze every last drop of advantage out of this little pit stop.