An ogre lumbers forward, its club raised high for one final, desperate strike. But Faderyn is there in a blur of motion, his blades sinking deep into the monster's abdomen. With a savage twist, he spills its steaming entrails onto the blood-soaked earth.
"That's the last of them!" he shouts triumphantly, his voice ringing out over the sudden, eerie silence descending upon the battlefield.
My lungs scream for air, my limbs ache from the exertion, and the metallic tang of blood lingers in my mouth.Rhyland's reassuring presence stands like a fortress beside me, his chest heaving with the effort of our latest encounter.
I fall to my knees in exhaustion, barely comprehending our victory. We have just emerged victorious from a brutal skirmish with ogres and serpents, their forms now lifeless and scattered across the clearing.
I become aware of hands lifting me up.Rhylandpulls me into a crushing embrace, his entire body trembling.
"Come here,Angel," each word punctuated by a panting breath. "You okay?" There's a desperate edge to his voice, needing to know I'm not hurt.
I sag againstRhyland, my body trembling with exhaustion and the aftermath of adrenaline. He wraps an arm around me, holding me close as we survey the carnage that surrounds us.
It's a scene straight out of a horror movie, the ground littered with the broken, twisted bodies of our foes. The stench of death hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the coppery tang of blood and the acrid smell of burnt flesh.
But even amidst the horror, there's a sense of relief, of triumph. We've survived against all odds. We've faced the beasts and emerged victorious, battered and bloodied but unbroken.
I latch onto him, taking a deep, dramatic whiff. His scent is like an oceanic forest spa, if that’s even a thing. "Yes, are you okay?" I toss the question back with genuine concern.
I untangle myself fromRhyland’s iron grip and scope out the scene. It looks like everyone’s still kicking.Erik's there, casually using a deceased ogre as a napkin for his sword—ew, but efficient.Lucian’s strutting over with the glee you'd expect from someone who just won an arcade jackpot.FaderynandAxilyaare playing medic with the wounded troops.
I lock eyes withFaderyn, and he throws me a silent "all's well" nod—like a cool mystical affirmation.
"Well, that was... unexpected," I let out, my voice dancing between amused and utterly gobsmacked. It's an understatement, but what else can you say when you've just faced a horde of nightmarish monsters and lived to tell the tale?
Rhyland's hand glides over my hair, his fingers finding one of my braids and giving it a playful tug. "You kicked ass,Angel," he declares, his cerulean eyes all lit up with admiration, love, and a dollop of pride that makes my heart swell.
I rise on my tiptoes, my hands cradling his bearded face as I reel him in for a kiss that's straight-up fire. Sure, he's sporting the latest in ogre blood and grime, but who's paying attention to a little battle splatter? Not me, that's for damn sure. All I care about is the feel of his lips on mine, the way his arms tighten around me like he never wants to let go.
Luciandashes forward, a wild grin spreading across his face like a kid on Christmas morning. "Oh my... FUCK! That was fun, right? It's like we just duked it out with Shrek and his merry band of bog-dwellers!" he crows, his voice high with adrenaline and glee.
Pulling back fromRhyland's kiss, I can't help but chuckle atLucian's spin on the insanity we've just survived. "Luci, which wire got crossed in that brain of yours? 'Fun' is not the word I'd use for nearly getting squashed by a monster," I tease, shaking my head in disbelief.
With casual ease,Lucian's shoulders lift in an indifferent shrug, but the corners of his mouth can't help betraying his irrepressible spirit as they quirk upward. His familiar, impish grin is a captivating blend of mischief and undeniable charm—the signatureLucianbrew.
"Come on, Princess. Don't try to play coy with me—I saw that spark in your eyes," he teases, his dark brown eyes crinkling with mirth as they lock onto mine. They twinkle with the same undimmed vitality of a spirited puppy, albeit one that knows how to wrap you around its little paw.
I mentally shrug, conceding a point toLucian's oddball take on the situation. As much as I hate to admit it, there was a certain rush, a buzz that came with letting my powers loose without worrying about torching a forest-sized candle.
Perhaps I'm inching toward a truce with the magic that flows through my veins—mastering the mayhem could be my new party trick, a way to turn the tables on our enemies and give us the edge we so desperately need.
With a flick of frustration in my tone, I toss the question out like a frisbee at a picnic, "So, anyone wanna explain what that was about? Because last I checked, ogres and serpents weren't exactly on the guest list for this little camping trip."
Axilyaapproaches, her violet skin absorbing the flickering firelight and casting eerie shadows across her delicate features. She regards us with pale green eyes that hold centuries of sorrow and knowledge, a depth of understanding that makes me feel like a child playing at adulthood.
"Long before the fae courts divided,"Axilyabegins, her voice a melodic whisper that demands attention, "Ogres were gentle giants roaming the fertile plains of our realm. They tilled the land and revered nature's gifts, living in harmony with the world around them."
Rhyland's eyes bore intoAxilyawith an intensity that could cut through steel, "What the hell changed?"
Axilya's eyes dim as if the memory is a physical pain she can barely endure. "When the realm fell into discord, power struggles fractured our unity. Ogres were enslaved, beaten, and forced to fight in wars, not their own. The brutality they endured twisted their hearts into stone, turning them into the monsters we face today."
I tighten my grip onRhyland's hand, my knuckles going white as an unexpected tide of empathy surges through me for the beings we've just taken down. "So their cruelty reflects what was done to them?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
Axilyanods solemnly. "Yes, Danica. Once they broke free, their vengeance knew no bounds. They lash out at any fae, seeing them as echoes of their tormentors."