Rhylandhuffs and clenches his fists, his jaw tightening with barely contained irritation. "He should've known not even to think—"
But before he can finish his rant,Lucianinterjects, cutting him off with a pointed cough that draws attention back to himself. "Uhh—should I be privy to this little Professor Xavier mind-chit-chat or what?" he asks, his eyebrows raised in a look of mock innocence.
Without missing a beat,Rhylandand I snap back in perfect harmony, our voices ringing like a double-barreled shotgun. "NO!"
Istorm into the tent like a goddamn hurricane, the flap rustling in my wake as my anger from the confrontation withLucianstill simmers under my skin. That fury, that raw fucking rage at what he's done, it boils within me like a volcano ready to blow.Erik's already here, his expression a mix of concern and understanding like he knows the shitstorm that's brewing inside me.
"You know?" I ask, my voice rough with emotion. I barely hold back the snarl threatening to rip from my throat.
He nods, his gaze unwavering, a fucking rock amid my chaos. "I do."
I rake my hand through my hair, frustration boiling over until I can't contain it anymore. "He's a born troublemaker, but this is some next-level shit," I growl, my words dripping with venom.
"It's low, even for him,"Erikagrees, his features hardening into a stone mask. "But we've dealt with worse."
I scoff, a harsh, bitter sound that scrapes against my throat. "Not from our fucking kin."
Erikshrugs, his shoulders a tense line beneath his armor. "Family or not, he crossed a line and needs to be dealt with."
I let out a long sigh, trying to calm myself before I fucking explode. "He never learns," I growl, my voice trembling with the effort it takes to keep my shit together. I start pacing, my boots wearing a hole in the goddamn ground. "He took advantage of her—of me,Erik! Knowing what it would do to her—she was only trying to help him, for fuck's sake!"
Erikwinces, shaking his head like he can't quite believe the level of fuckery we're dealing with. "I'll talk to him,Rhyland. I promise."
I'm straining to hold my shit together in front ofErik; he doesn't need to catch any fallout from the shitstorm raging inside me. "Thanks," I grind out between clenched teeth, my jaw aching with the effort.
Erikshrugs nonchalantly, like it's no big deal, and goes back to sharpening his weapon. "Don't mention it, brother."
Despite the anger still coursing through my veins, I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude forErik's presence, for the way he's been there forDaniwhen I couldn't be.
My voice softens as I thank him—the words sincere and heartfelt. "No, I meant...thank you for watching overDani, for being there for her when I was stuck in that hellhole."
Erikadjusts casually, like it's just another day at the office, and keeps working on his blade. "It was an honor and a duty, brother."
His words hold weight, a sincerity that cuts through the bullshit and makes me feel both grateful and proud to call him family, to have him by my side through all this fucking madness.
"Care to explain what the hell happened? Dani filled me in on Lucian's…antics. However, I'm still at a loss for how she got you out of Amara's clutches."
I briefedErikon the whole damn mess—the way we busted out, that gutsy little maid—Mouse, findingDani, and how we ditched thoseShadow Courtbastards for a new play—hitting upThe Sun Court.
"Yes, Faderyn, Dani, and I are inclined to affirm that the stone resides nearby. She alluded to perceiving a peculiar sensation upon our initial arrival. Faderyn insists that we receive a formal invitation before we embark there." Erik imparts to me.
A formal invitation?
"How the hell long is that gonna take?" I demand to know.
Erik shrugs, "The Shadow Queen dallied two weeks before granting Dani an audience—who can say, brother? One can only hope they extend invitations for tea with greater alacrity."
This damned realm is getting under my skin; it feels like we're wearing out our fucking welcome, and we've barely made a dent in what we came here to do. Moretemis and Azrael are buzzing around in my head like hungry vultures, a non-stop reminder of the shitshow we've left on standby.
Then there's the council. Azrael's joke of a welcome wagon has been ringing alarm bells since we landed in this cursed hellhole.
What the hell's been happening back home while we're stuck here? Not knowing is choking me up like a goddamn death grip tightening around my throat, squeezing the life out of me bit by bit.
I plop down, my arms braced on my thighs, and drag my fingers through my hair with a frustrated growl. The scent of her fills my senses before she even enters. The tent flaps open, and my cock springs to attention at the sight of her— a fucking goddess in leather, every sexy curve and delicious part of her skin on display, tempting me beyond belief. My sweet little battle babe, driving me wild with desire. I didn't clock her outfit before, too blinded by rage dealing withLucian's crap.