Page 43 of Dark Fate

I keep my tone level with immense effort, addressingMeadow's hunched spine. "Bitching doesn't decode ancient spells faster,Mouse. Either cram those moldy pages for answers or stuff it."

She reddens slightly under my pointed stare, gathering the scattered parchment remnants carefully.

"He's got a point there, pint-size!"Lucian, our resident food pilferer, pipes up in his usual blithe manner, completely unfazed by the palpable tension. "Brain-work's bust on an empty tank, pixie! Chow down, power up the noggin!" He flings a chunk of bread and some jerky atMeadow, who catches it like it's the holy grail.

I savagely tear into another hunk of stale bread, jamming it past the rising bile threatening to gag me. I must shove something down my throat to stave off the beast, itching to rip something apart. Locked up like a damn sewer rat—it's shredding my patience to bits.

And this piss-poor excuse for shelter? It's more of a fucking crypt than a cave with each dragging minute.

We dove into this goddamn hole after tearing through this cursed realm, playing hide and seek with death after bolting from the castle. WithoutDani's essence throwing me a lifeline from that hellfire above,Lucianand I are toast the minute we brush against those damned rays.

We've had a couple of near-misses with Amara's guards on our trail. But we managed to stick to the shadows, staying out of sight and off their radars. So here we squat, collared like dogs, whileMeadow—the twiggy little servant girl—plays at being a locksmith with the silver noose sucking me dry. My mind's a broken record, screaming for my mate in silence. Uncertainty's a heavy bastard, and the shadows are creeping closer.

Hunger's tearing at me, a monster chomping at the bit for a slaughter. After centuries of holding back, numbing feelings, that beast is sliding out of its cage. Finding our mate ups the ante—our bond makes this tug-of-war in my head hellish. It's a fight not to lose myself to that void, that craving for blood.Dani's light kept the shadows in check, but now? I'm wound so tight, I'm one thread away from snapping...

Meadow's frustration mounts as precious moments slip by without any headway in unraveling the collar's arcane bindings. She turns to me, her voice strained yet resolute. "My Lord, I implore you; mere brooding in the shadows will not aid our cause! I understand the intensity of your gaze alone cannot shatter these malevolent enchantments, but—"

She shuts her mouth quickly under my death stare, promising violent ends. The wench is lucky; my last scrap of patience stops me from strangling her scrawny neck.

Meadowducks her head again, pretending to be fascinated with moldy pages. But her trembling hands and white-knuckled grip betray her hope, bleeding as fast as mine. Tensions are high, and this mountain's too tall for themouse.

A sharp crack splits the tense air—the age-worn grimoire abruptly rockets over to crunch against the far wall.Lucianand I jolt to our feet, blindsided by the unassuming girl's rare backbone.Meadowseethes in the ringing silence, anger and despair brewing in her face.

Lucianwhistles low and appreciative. "Hot damn! Who knew our mousey little friend was secretly a ferocious wildcat?" He flashes a mischievous grin. "Talk about your unassuming exteriors hiding beastly interiors. The claws have come out well and truly on this one!"

Meadow growls in frustration and glares at Lucian.

He holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Easy there, killer. I'm just the comedic relief around here. No need to shred me to ribbons...unless you're into that sort of thing?" He waggles his eyebrows suggestively. "In which case, your vicious side is actually kinda doing it for me."

I silence him with a quelling glance. There's no time for joking—not with our only potential key to freedom currently lying in crumbled pieces. "Fetch the goddamn thing,Mouse—your pissy tantrum fixes nothing," I snap harshly, temper fraying to its last tether. "Assuming those old pages even survive another hard landing."

I keep my eyes on her, every muscle taut with impatience as she moves across the terrain. And that's when it happens—Meadowchokes out a shock of a cry just as she blinks out of sight behind an outcrop of cruel-edged rocks. A gasp of pain cuts the silence, and a spike of iron hits my senses—blood, fresh and telling.

With a ferocious burst of speed, I'm atMeadow's side in an instant, every last thread of reason devoured by the primal hunger overtaking me. Her shriek is piercing, a signal of sheer terror, but it dims against the deafening roar of blood pulsing in my ears, my fangs unsheathed by brute instinct.

"Rhyland, no!"Lucian's panicked bellow barely penetrates the scarlet haze fogging my vision—the urge to rend and feed drives all else away.

Lucian's steely grip clamps around me, his wiry strength resembling iron shackles, wrenching me back inch by hard-fought inch against the monstrous pull. I let out a feral snarl; every muscle in me fights, stretching toward the quivering victim within an arm's reach.

Luciansqueezes brutally, shouting in my ear. "Are you kidding me? She's our one-way ticket out of this hellhole, dumbass! Get a grip,Rhyland! I know you're still in there, so push through it!"

Lucian's frantic voice slices through the haze, bit by agonizing bit. With a guttural howl, I wrestle the rampaging beast within me under control. My breaths come in ragged torrents, my sight still smeared with the crimson urge for carnage that I'm fighting to chain down.

"I know being apart from Dani is tearing you apart inside, brother,"Lucianrasps, his usual snark nowhere to be found. "But you've got to hold it together, goddammit. Keep your shit wired tight, and don't let this place break you." His words hit hard, like a sledgehammer to the chest, as I lock ontoMeadow's terror-stricken face.

Shit, I'm more beast than man at this point... How much time before evenDanican't haul my ass back from the black hole that's consuming me?

I jerk my fangs back and giveLuciana forceful shove, a low growl chiseling its way out of me. Without looking at those two, I storm across the cavern to its darkest corner, slamming my fists into the rock until my legs buckle.

Elbows digging into my knees, I drag clawed fingers through my hair, the beast inside snarling like a goddamn enraged mutt, fighting for dominance. It's like I'm crawling through hell's darkest pit with no light—Dani's warm glow is missing, and everything's gone to shit.

The sounds ofLucian's hushed urgency andMeadow's muffled sobs are white noise against the roar in my skull. Jaw set, spine like a steel rod, I'm hanging onto sanity by a thread, each moment a battle of pure willpower.

Without knowing where we are in this godforsaken realm and not being able to sense her, I'm flying blind. I can't comb through this entire place, hoping to stumble upon her; she could be anywhere. And with this collar, I'm shackled—no vampire abilities. It's like my hands are tied.

"Angel..." I whimperDani's name into the void, clawing for even a spark of her, but I'm met with nothing. Silent, cold, empty.

"We made a vow—nothing would tear us apart. Yet here I am, suffocating in the dark, with no flame of yours to guide me, baby. The madness is breeding fast, and I'm getting lost."