Could this be another stage of my freakish ascension as a prophesied savior?
I've never shown unique athletic gifts before. But something in me just clicked, and I tapped into some supernatural overdrive.
Maybe the magic awakened dormant talents when I crossed realms?
Maybe it's the Terraglide Stone finally activating.
It's like my body keeps hitting surprise power-ups from Boss Level DNA. It's very cool when it lets me dodge danger, but it's also terrifying.
I mean, what else could I suddenly unlock at random? Dragon wings? Shooting laser beams from my eyeballs?
Groaning, I drag myself vertically to change clothes before dinner. I'm caked in a layer of grime that even my ravenous appetite can't ignore for long.
I rummage for something clean in my trunk, eventually pulling out another set of buttery black leather battle gear that makes me freeze in dismay. What the hell is Axilya thinking? Battle Bikini?
I quickly wash off as best as I can in the stone basin.
I'm trying to squeeze my curves into this tight leather battle ensemble—that does nothing to hide my cleavage, by the way—without looking like a B-grade dominatrix fantasy! The outfit laces up the sides, amplifying the bondage vibe even more, with some frilly scraps of fabric masquerading as a skirt. It's like the lovechild of a biker gang and a burlesque show, with a dash of post-apocalyptic flair thrown in.
I mean, I'm all for embracing my inner badass. But there's a fine line between fierce warrior princess and discount store Xena cosplay, and I'm not sure which side of that line I'm landing on.
Still, with my limited wardrobe options, beggars can't be choosers. It's either this or the tattered remains of my cargo pants and T-shirt, which are looking more like a rejected Mad Max costume with every passing day.
Sighing, I shimmy into the tight leather that fits like a sexy glove. The silver belt and leather gloves add more badassery to the ensemble.
I can't restrain an outraged yelp at my reflection. Think Kate Beckinsale in "Underworld" with an extra touch of sex appeal—and more pronounced curves. Even my breasts are nearly spilling out.
Mortified, I tug at the skintight top, trying to adjust it for more coverage.
Nope... still painted on obscenely. Mother of goddesses, I hope a long tunic or cloak comes with this, or things will get uncomfortable in the coed common area!
Wondering why Axilya chose this possible battle costume, I throw on boots and attempt damage control, fluffing my long, staticky hair to cover the girls as best I can. Maybe if I keep their eyes averted and make a beeline for the dining area, people will politely ignore my do-me leather outfit.
Cheeks flaming, I slink out of my tent only to practically walk straight into Erik and Faderyn waiting outside. Both their eyes widen slightly, flashing with male appreciation at my overtly sexy battle costume before they smooth their expressions into careful nonchalance.
Erik clears his throat, "That's, uhh... quite an outfit you have there."
I resist the urge to cross my arms over my accentuated chest. "Yeah, I have no idea what Axilya was thinking with these getups," I mutter, reddening further under their politely averted gazes.
Unable to bear further awkwardness, I set off swiftly toward the campfire's promise of food. Having my mouth occupied with eating might distract me from my Xena Warrior Princess ensemble.
Erik and Faderyn trail after a polite distance behind as I make my flaming-cheeked walk of shame through camp.
I plop at a long wooden table on an empty bench, grateful for shadows. Faderyn passes me a steaming wooden bowl filled with rich gravy and tender meat chunks. My stomach rumbles at the savory aroma.
I practically inhale the first bites, the flavors bursting lush and woodsy on my tongue. Some fae game animal, I guess. Maybe it's better not to question too closely. I scrape the last drops of gravy and continue mopping remnants with brown bread.
As I continued stuffing myself, Erik diplomatically clears his throat. "You showed remarkable progress today, Little Huntress. With training, you could become a fierce warrior."
I make a sarcastic sound around mouthfuls of bread but give him an approving thumbs-up. From Mr. Warrior Perfectionist himself, high praise indeed! It bolsters me for the matches ahead—maybe I do have the right makings for this epic quest business after all.
Wiping my mouth, I look at Faderyn. "Do you think I could request an audience with Lady Axilya? Hopefully, there will be updates on the diplomatic rescue mission for my man from Queen Viper."
Faderyn inclines his head. "I believe that could be arranged without issue. I'll see if she's available—I shall send word tonight."
I breathe a little easier—finally feeling proactive about helping Rhyland!
"Anything with the bond yet?" Erik asks gently, his silver eyes glinting with empathy.