She pats the empty place beside her. "First, by keeping your queen entertained," she purrs, displaying white teeth in an unsettling smile.
"I am not your fool to dance for laughs," I bite back.
"I wish to know the purpose of your presence here. Were you sent as an emissary of those self-proclaimed deities, the Sun Court?" Her words reek of disdain as she demands an explanation.
The name blindsides me, and for a moment, I'm drowning in confusion. "The Sun Court?" I parrot back; my brow furrowed as I try to wrap my head around this new piece of the puzzle.
"Yes, those wicked bastards who deign to play gods, considering themselves superior beings," she sneers.
I continue to stare at her, my eyes wide and mind reeling. Confusion doesn't begin to cover it—I'm lost, adrift in a sea of questions.
Her voice drips with venom. "Those wretched, light-wielding fiends of the Sun Court—a perpetual blight upon this realm for centuries. Deluding themselves into believing the foul breath of the gods graces their twisted notions of beauty and nobility." A sneer of revulsion twists her features. "Their arrogance knows no bounds, their vanity eclipsed only by their malicious depravity. A more vile, self-aggrandizing coven of villains would be nigh impossible to conceive."
It doesn't take a genius to read between the lines—there's a shitstorm brewing between these two fae courts, and it sounds like neither is good. "No," I reply flatly.
She hums noncommittally, her response infuriatingly vague. It's like she's enjoying watching me flounder.
Frustration boils over, and the words tumble out before I can stop them. "I'm not coming from any other court; I've already told you how I got here. Now, if you'd stop being a goddamn cunt and actually listen—"
Her eyes sparking fury, her claws slice down my chest as if she owns me. "Keep that tongue in check around me."
I snatch her wrist, my whole body coiled tight. "Remove your hand before I permanently remove it for you."
The guards rush me, and Amara holds up her other hand to stop them. She looks delighted by my defiance. Little does she know each insolent word moves me closer to open rebellion.
She slithers closer, pressing against me like a serpent. "Such fire. It will be delicious to tame you."
I meet her gaze coldly. "I am not some pet for you to domesticate. Do not presume to tame me."
Amara's smile only widens at my resistance. "A challenge—how exciting. I do love breaking willful beasts..."
My jaw tenses with disgust. "Your games do not sway me. Find some other toy to torment."
The queen stares at me with frustration, snatching her hand away, "Lying does not suit you, pet. You will obey me."
Meanwhile, Alinar continues feeding his suddenly devoted wife, seemingly oblivious. But his sharp glance in my direction gives the lie to his nonchalance. I am reminded of a viper lolling docilely until it strikes.
I chuckle, sneering, "I don't bend the knee to anyone, you twisted hag." Fighting off the urge to shiver, I stay standing next to her, every muscle tensed, ready for her damn witchy paws.
Those smoky shadows return, engulfing her. "My pet refuses to pleasure me, husband," Amara sulks, disgust dripping from her words.
Alinar fixes me with an icy stare. He's tall and pale, with pointed ears and black hair, as if it were a raven's wing. But he's slim to the point of frailty; he isn't one for getting his hands dirty. He's probably never faced a real challenge in his pampered life. If it wasn't for this magic-infused collar and these runes keeping me chained, I'd snuff out his existence in a heartbeat.
"Why do you deny my wife?" Alinar questions silkily.
"Her power doesn't affect me." I stare at her pointedly. "I don't desire that viper you call a wife," I state boldly, daring to meet his stare. "She holds all the erotic appeal of a festering wound."
The King's eyes flare, but amusement lurks behind them. "Mind yourself, slave. Explain why you reject her charms."
Crossing my arms, I let the defiance surge. "Her charms? You mean that vile exhibition with a heartbeat? I'd rather chug piss than lay eyes on her. My loyalty? It's not up for grabs—it's staked its claim, far away from here."
Alinar appraises me curiously. "You find my wife undesirable? Or perhaps your inclinations run... another direction?" His lip curls in distaste.
Amara scoffs scornfully. "As if a soulless beast like you knows anything of loyalty or fidelity. You vampires rut like animals in heat, loyal only to your own pleasure."
I spin on her, all control gone to hell. "What the hell would a pampered palace hag like you know about the ways of my people? You're clueless, soaked in nothing but your own excess."
Her slap cracks across my face quickly, and my head snaps back. But when I lock my gaze with hers, pure scorn, not hurt, blazes in my eyes.