Page 17 of Dark Fate

Before I can respond, he turns and hastily leaves the tent.

Once alone, anxiety swiftly returns. I pace the plush fur carpets, impatience and nerves churning in my stomach. So much uncertainty still looms.

I just don't know what to make of Faderyn's behavior. Surely, I imagined the intimate look in his eyes. We've only just met, and he's been nothing but gracious.

I force my thoughts back to the crisis at hand. Rhyland is still in peril, and my powers are unchecked. Faderyn may be able to help on both fronts, but the answers won't come easy. Danger and struggle likely await.

But standing idle drives me mad. I must be ready to act the instant opportunity arises. Too much depends on this realm's fate and Rhyland's life. Failure is not an option.

Faderyn returns to my tent hours later with Erik in reluctant tow as night fully descends. I leap up and crush Erik in an enthusiastic bear hug as if we've been separated for months, not hours.

"Well, it's about time! What the hell happened with you two?" I demand, hands on hips as I eye them both.

Faderyn sighs heavily. "It seems my companion refused to remain with your rather...uncouth friend present." He gestures faintly at Erik. "I had no choice but to bring him on foot."

"Fine, lay the fault at my feet for your underling's distress," Erik mutters, shedding his equipment and easing onto a chaise beside the hearth."Being hauled through the woods on a shared horse was never my plan."

The mental snapshot of big, toughErik, Mr. Brooding Brawn himself, snug and secure inFaderyn's lanky fae embrace on horseback as they zip through the woods—it's comedy gold. The several glasses of honey-sweet wine I've enjoyed are definitely amplifying everything right now. My cheeks feel flushed, and my head is pleasantly fuzzy.

Faderyn notices my glassy eyes and looser inhibitions. "Are you...intoxicated presently?" he asks uncertainly.

"Pfft, no!" I scoff, sauntering over to sprawl ungracefully next to Erik. "I'm just...relaxed. Wine here is strong stuff—phew!"

I'm clearly drunk. I dramatically fan myself and extend my hands toward the fire's warmth.

Faderyn looks mildly disturbed by my unladylike lounging but recovers quickly. "Yes, our vineyards are quite...potent by mortal standards. Perhaps pace yourself moving forward."

I dismiss his concern with a flourish of my hand. "Lighten up. I've got to entertain myself somehow while we're in a holding pattern, waiting for Cruella." I pin him with a meaningful look, one that he conveniently pretends not to notice.

Sighing, Erik turns to me, his eyes unusually somber. "Any change with your bond? Can you sense him out there?"

My brief buzz vanishes at the question. I shake my head morosely. "Nothing. It's like we're completely cut off." Pain lances through my core. "I only felt him for a moment before. Now...just emptiness where he should be."

Erik's face hardens, but he nods. We don't need to voice the dark fears swamping us both. The absence of a mate bond is no small thing.

Clearing his throat delicately, Faderyn interjects, "Perhaps we could begin your magical instruction tomorrow, Dani? Only if you're amenable, of course."

I squint at him slowly, processing the offer through my fuzzy brain. "Huh? Oh yeah, sure," I reply brightly. "I doubt I'll be a star pupil if I'm being honest. I never had a real teacher before." I prod him playfully, "But I'm willing to learn, Sensai."

Faderyn's emerald eyes practically glow with enthusiasm. "It would be my honor to show you our ways, Dani. The magic here flows to its own rhythm. Learning to move with it may help regain control."

I wobbly stand. "I look forward to being all one with nature tomorrow." Nearly falling over, I bow, barely containing further laughter. "But for now, my wee mortal form requires rest. May we continue our spiritual journey tomorrow?"

I don't think Faderyn can tell when I'm joking half the time. My sense of humor goes right over his proper Fae head.

Erik snorts in amusement as I stumble tipsily around the tent, my earlier composure vanishing thanks to the strong honey wine. I can feel his eyes rolling at my drunken antics.

Faderyn smiles kindly, "I will inform Lady Axilya of your…friend," motioning to Erik and bidding us goodnight before ducking out.

I plop down clumsily beside Erik, the room spinning slightly. "You need to feed before you wither away," I tell him bluntly, words slurring together.

It's been two days, and he won't last long without blood, especially in the unrelenting sunlight here.

I pray Rhyland and Lucian are kept inside.

Erik pins me with an icy stare. "I'm not feeding off my brother's intoxicated mate. That would be improper." He shakes his head ruefully. "Drinking your blood now would just give me a buzz, anyway."

My cheeks flush deeper at the truth of his words. "Fiiine," I concede with a dramatic sigh. "I'll find a way to draw some out sober tomorrow. But you are going to feed, mister. No fading to dust on my watch!"