Page 166 of Dark Fate

How the hell does Azrael know about Dani's blood and what it does?

My mind's racing, trying to piece this shit together, when it hits me like a punch in the gut.

In a flash of fury, I realize—fucking Adrian who spilled the goddamn secret. My temper flares like some uncontrollable goddamn wildfire. "You son of a bitch," I snarl, barely managing to hold myself back from ripping Adrian's throat out with my bare hands.

And right on cue, I see that same flash of guilt in Adrian's eyes. So, he knows he fucked up, he knows the shitstorm he just brought down on us.

But it's not enough; it's never fucking enough to make up for this goddamn betrayal.

As my eyes lock onto Adrian's, the silent promise of vengeance hanging heavy in the air, I feel my power surge, ready to do whatever it takes to save Dani and bring that bastard Azrael down.

Because fuck this, I won't let anyone get in the way of protecting her, not even my own brother.

"How—?" Dani starts, but I cut her off in her mind.

"Adrian told him, isn't it obvious?" I seethe.

The sting of that damn betrayal hits me like it's ripping through my chest all over again. My gut is twisted up, echoing every damn knot Dani's got carved into her heart—spilling her deepest secret about her blood.

"Dani, I'm so sor—" Adrian starts, but Azrael silences him with a quick lash of a shadow tendril before he can say another word.

"Don't even bother with your sorry-ass excuses, Adrian. It's damn pathetic," Azrael spits venomously. "Everyone's got an earful of your treachery already, and if you look at your so-called big brother," Azrael looks right at me, "it's clear as hell he gives zero fucks about your fate."

Dani shrugs, trying to brush off the gravity of the situation, her resolve hardening against the asshole threatening Adrian. "Rewind, Azrael. Do you really think you can just waltz out of here? Just so you know, I’ll hunt you down to the ends of the earth to snatch that shiny rock off your finger—if I have to chop it off, so be it."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it, darling," he sneers maliciously. "Since your precious blood holds the source of light and day itself, I'll have every last vampire lining up at your doorstep, thirsting for a taste." He breaks into sinister, maniacal laughter. "And when they finally catch you—because, oh, sweet girl—every last one of them is working for me—I'll enjoy your 'special sauce' first-hand, as you so endearingly put it!"

I glare at Azrael, barely holding back the fury seething inside me. His sunken eyes lock onto mine, filled with pure hatred. The urge to tear him apart is almost overwhelming, considering what he's already done and the chaos he's about to unleash. Fucking opening Pandora's box is an understatement; this will screw everything up.

"Ah yes, our dear Adrian has been quite enlightening," Azrael confesses, a devious smile curling his lips. "He's shared a wealth of information about your magical little secrets, most notably the special blood that flows through your veins—a precious gift from dear ol' daddy that I'm simply dying to taste… again."

"Give Adrian and his never-ending blather a massive 'fuck you.' Do it, Dani—maybe then we can all catch a break!" Lucian hollers from behind us.

But I know Dani—she's got a heart of gold, and her empathy is her biggest and powerful weakness. It makes her vulnerable, but it's also what drives her to do what's right, even when it's damn near impossible—and Azrael knows this.

My patience shatters like a goddamn twig. "Enough of this bullshit!" I bellow, unleashing a tidal wave of telekinetic rage. Azrael and that traitorous prick Adrian are blasted back like ragdolls, their bodies smashing into the wall with a sickening crunch. The impact's so brutal it fractures the bricks, sending chunks of debris raining down.

But even as I bear down on them with the full force of my powers, Azrael, the slimy bastard, clings to Adrian like a fucking parasite. He's using my own brother as a meat shield in this fucked-up standoff. The audacity of this manipulative piece of shit knows no bounds.

The air crackles with energy around us as I clench my fists, desperate to crush Azrael and free Adrian from his cruel clutches. If anyone is going to deal with Adrian, it's me. Yet, despite the anger and frustration boiling inside me, I can't help but feel that this brutal course of action might make matters worse, dragging us deeper into a dangerous conflict that none of us are truly prepared for.

Face contorted in rage, I grit my teeth, trying to decide my next move—the uncertainty and fear gnawing at my insides. This tense standoff cannot last forever.

Azrael's smug smile pisses me off even more. He thinks he's already won, this asshole. "Ready to give up yet?" he taunts.

"Not by a fucking long shot." I bellow—my anger and determination more than matched by my ability to focus my powers with laser precision.

"Rhyland—no!" Dani shouts, "Stop!" but it's too late.

I slam my energy into Azrael once more, intending to end this once and for all. But he anticipates my move and quickly surrounds himself with an impenetrable shroud of darkness, teleporting out of harm's way just in time.

My heart sinks as I watch with horror asAdrian, caught in the line of fire, takes the full brunt of my blow. Unable to dodge or defend himself,Adrianis slammed against the nearby wall with lethal force. The sickening sound of shattering bone fills the air as his skull cracks upon impact, and my stomach roils at the sight of his limp form crumpled on the ground.

"Adrian…" Dani's cry rips through me, her voice raw with pain, scratching at my guts.

In a flash of dark energy, Azrael reappears on the other side of the alley, a smug grin spreading across his face as he watches me struggle with the heavy weight of my guilt and fury. His vampire blurring is erratic, popping in and out of existence with a familiar, disorienting sound. I can't help but feel the bitter taste of defeat at the back of my throat as I realize the depths of Azrael's cunning and cruelty.

"Ah, such a pity about dear Adrian," Azrael coos with mock sympathy. "But no worries, he'll likely still be useful after he...heals. Or, even better—"