Page 164 of Dark Fate

My heart sinks at his acceptance of exclusion, but the decision is made. I'll have to find a safer route.

"Well, spank me sideways and call me a voyeur, but the way you two verbally fuck each other's brains out is giving me some serious 'bow chicka wow wow' vibes," Lucian leers, waggling his eyebrows like a sleazy used car salesman. "I mean, goddamn, the sexual tension between you two is so thick, you could spread it on toast and call it Horny Jam!"

I roll my eyes and feel my face turning a shade of red that would make a fire truck jealous. But of course,Luciancackles like the unhinged lunatic he is, clearly getting off on my discomfort. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger, sweet cheeks! I'm just calling it like I see it. You and Tall, Dark, and Brooding over there have the kind of chemistry that could set off a fucking nuclear reaction. Embrace the hate-fuck, I say! Ride that angry dragon all the way to O-Town!"

Oh, for the love of all that is holy, I cannot believe Lucian. It's like he has a direct line to the gutter and no shame whatsoever in sharing the filth that spews forth.

He's got a point, though—our bedroom acrobatics are top-tier. I shoot Lucian my best death stare, my inner drama queen cranked up to eleven.

Rhylandsteps in, his voice low and threatening. "Lucian, I'm only going to say this once: shut your goddamn mouth before I shut it for you. Permanently."

Lucianholds up his hands in mock surrender, but the gleeful glint in his eyes tells me this is far from over.

Erik chuckles, trying to hide his laugh.

I spin away from the jury, zeroing in on Mr. I-Prefer-My-Own-Company, Faedryn, who, like magic, drops his cup and pulls the stand-and-impress move.

"Faderyn," I choke out because my vocal cords are auditioning for a tragic opera.

His gaze meets mine, and there's a deep sorrow that wasn't there before.

"Why?" My voice is barely above a whisper. "Why did you keep Axilya's identity hidden?"

He sighs deeply before speaking. "Dani, it was never about deception for deception's sake." He pauses as if searching for the right words. "I didn't want Axilya's truth out before she was ready to—"

"But you kept it from me," I interject softly.

"I'm aware." His voice fractures a tad. "And I seek your forgiveness. My actions were guided by reasons, Dani. Reasons I am confident you will comprehend."

And I get it—I really do. I get the whole loyal-to-the-queen bit and the need for secrets. That doesn't mean it doesn't sting like hell, though. There we are, tossing each other one of those long, loaded glances—the kind that says we've been through the wringer and back together. It's like a silent montage of our own personal dramedy, complete with every nasty curveball life's pitched our way.

"I've watched you grow," he continues, voice laced with pride and sadness intertwined like vines around an ancient tree trunk. "From that mortal woman who fell into our world by chance... to this incredible force who has fought for our realm with every breath."

My eyes prickle as feelings bubble up, threatening to spill over in a salty waterfall of tears.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispers earnestly.

His words envelop me like a cozy hug on a blizzardy day—all warm and fuzzy yet prickly with the harsh truth that this is a goodbye.

His tone softens appreciatively as he speaks, "You've transcended the role of merely a savior; you've woven yourself into our fabric—into the essence of Luminara. And you've become a valued friend to me."

A lump forms in my throat, leaving Faderyn feeling like tearing away a piece of myself that has taken root in these magical forests and skies painted with stardust. "Thank you—" I whisper, my voice faltering as emotions swell.

Faderyn was the first person I met coming here, the first friend I made in this strange new world. He was the first to truly see me, to understand my unchecked powers. From that moment by the riverside when he tended my wounds, his kindness and wisdom have guided me through the darkness. He trained me, yes, but he did so much more—he gave me hope when all seemed lost, strength when mine failed, compassion when I needed it most. On this journey, he became the brother I needed. And now...Now, I must find the words to say goodbye to him.

"What for? The gratitude is mine to express, Dani," Faderyn encourages soothingly.

"For saving me—that day by the river. For becoming a friend when all I was to you was a stranger," I confess, my voice a soft murmur between us. The enormity of what lies ahead casts a long shadow—a blur of what's to come shot through with streaks of hope and threads of fear.

Faderyn moves to reach out but hesitates, a dance of second thoughts. Finally, his hand finds its way to my shoulder, a touch laden with a deep understanding and the warmth of friendship, anchoring me in the now, even as we stand on the precipice of tomorrow.

"It was my pleasure," Faderyn replies, his voice loaded with layers of unspoken camaraderie and kinship.

We linger there for a moment longer—the scholarly fae who stood by my side and the once-ordinary human now a herald of change. I wrap him up in a bear hug, inhaling his scent like it is the final whiff I'd ever get. Then, we part, acknowledging the bitter twinge that goodbyes bring and knowing they're not the end. Not really. Not for us who are entwined by adversity and enchantment, our connection untouched by the bounds of worlds and ages.

Sneaking a final peek at Faderyn—rocking that bittersweet 'you got this' grin—I whirl around to face Rhyland, Lucian, Erik, and Adrian. The squad's all here. The checklist is done, and we're a team with our eyes on the prize. So we're bidding adieu to Luminara's cuddly clutches, but hey, we're pocketing some of that glow for the road. It's our secret weapon against the big bad lurking in the wings.

Mentally, I'm already sprinting back to Emily and Damon, eagerness bubbling up inside like a fizzy drink. It feels like I left them way back in the Stone Age—and judging by ol' Father Time and his infuriating puzzle clock, I may as well have.