Without missing a beat, I fire back, "A trophy? More like the grand jackpot — and 'your pet'? I didn't realize we were back in preschool, Amara, playing pretend. But sure, in your make-believe world, keep thinking Rhyland's on a leash. In reality, though, he's the king of the beasts, and honey, he's all mine." I lean in closer, relishing the fear in her eyes. "You know, you should consider this payback for every hellish moment you put my man through. Your reign of terror ends here, by my hand."
Amara's eyes widen, her lips parting in a frantic bid for leniency. "You need me! I have information, power—"
"Oh, spare me the performance, Amara. Your lies couldn’t sway a gnat, let alone me," I snap, my voice dripping with disdain and leaving no airspace for her excuses.
She tries again, her words growing more desperate. "I can help you! Spare me; I'll give you everything you need to defeat the Dark Demon!"
I can't help but chuckle, sharp and biting as if I am chewing on broken glass. "Strike a bargain with the devil in heels? Please, Amara. I'd rather eat dirt. Your little hourglass has run out, and your words? They're worth less than the damn breath you spent spitting them out."
I press the blade harder against her throat, taking savage satisfaction as a bead of black wells up. The fear in her eyes fuels that dark thrill within me. "Any last words before I send you back to the hell that spawned you?"
The dagger's hilt digs into my palm as Amara writhes futilely beneath me, her panicked breaths a haunting reminder of Rhyland's agony—agony she inflicted with twisted glee.
But now, an indomitable vigor flows through my veins, radiating from the Atherite jewel fused into my crown. Its otherworldly glow envelops us, even giving the Angel of Death pause. The stone magnifies my gifts exponentially; this is but a taste of the formidable might I wield.
Amara's eyes dart wildly, seeking any shred of mercy. But my resolve is iron-clad; her cruelty ends here—I alone decide her fate.
Amara's words drip with toxic delight, "You'll never locate them. Your beloved vampires are well out of your clutches."
Amara's jab stops me cold, chilling me to the core. My thoughts race… has she shackled Lucian and Erik, giving them a taste of her own brand of crazy?
I notice a shiver run through Rhyland, his concern for his brothers seeping into me through our emotional wiretap.
I keep my voice steady, betraying none of the dread coursing within. "Where are they, Amara? What have you done with them?"
"Oh, you'd love that piece of information, wouldn't you? But my lips are sealed, even with your blade kissing my neck. Do your worst because you'll learn nothing from me."
I see it in her eyes then—raw fear that her ruse will fail. I press the advantage. "Tell me where they are, or you'll face a fate far worse than death." Amara's expression shifts, desperation melting into cunning.
"Could you do it, Chosen One? Could you end a life in cold blood?" She throws her head back, her laugh sharp and empty.
My eyes lock onto hers, my will as unyielding as iron. "I've suffered losses you can't even fucking imagine." Flashes of John, my parents—Emily—my brother, and the past life I left behind weave through my head, stark against the ties I've formed here with Lucian, Erik, and Rhyland. "I'd tear apart the heavens for the ones I love. This? This isn't just killing—it's goddamn vengeance biding its time." My voice is rock-solid as I set the ultimatum. "Spill their damn location, Amara. I'm hanging on by a goddamn thread."
The dagger glints wickedly as I press it into her throat. Her pulse thrums wildly under the blade's kiss. But her silence persists, her final gambit.
Just as anxiety begins to take hold, a voice floats through my mind, soothing the whirlwind of worry—it’s Rhyland. "They are safe. I just reached out to them. They're at the Sun Court," he assures me through our private psychic channel.
I barely manage to keep my expression neutral, the wave of relief threatening to crack my stoic facade. She doesn't have to know that I'm one step ahead, aware of the reality behind her charades. She’s bluffing, dealing lies like worn-out cards, and I’m all in, ready to turn her deception into my ace.
Amara's arrogance lights a fire in me, a swirling hurricane ready to redecorate her face with a taste of my newfound power.
She sneers, "I knew it. You're pathetic, just like your pitiful mate." she motions to Rhyland with a flick of her head. "You'll always be a feeble weakling who can't even manage a proper kill. What kind of savior are you?"
I hover dangerously close to giving in, the line between justice and sweet, sweet vengeance thinner than the plot of a bad soap opera.
I burst into a mocking laugh. "Seriously? That’s your best shot? Hold on, let me scribble that down in my diary of lame-ass comebacks, right in between 'you're a poopy-head' and 'I know you are, but what am I?'" I shake my head, feigning sorrow. "And you’re going with 'weak'? That's rich, coming from the chick who resorts to kidnapping, compelling, and torture to puff up her fragile ego. Seems to me that speaks volumes about you, not me, sweetheart."
I land a solid punch right in her perfect little face, and I'm almost mesmerized as black liquid starts oozing from her nose. She tries to cup her nose, but it's too late—blood is already spewing from her broken face.
Ah, sweet satisfaction.
With a rough yank on her hair, I drag Amara away from the wall and into the center of the cell like a rag doll. Before she can even blink, I have her cuffed and chained like the nasty bitch she is. "Make yourself at home, honey," I say with mock sweetness. "I'd love for you to experience Rhyland's five-star accommodations firsthand. And don't worry, I'll be back once I figure out a more permanent living situation for you."
I give her a sarcastic little wave as I head for the door, savoring the look of shock and outrage on her bloody face.
She whines, "You can't leave me here! Stop! I know where—"
"Save the dramatics, Amara." I slam the cell door shut with a loud clang. "Make yourself comfortable in your new home. I'll be back to check on you soon." I give her one last sarcastic smile as I turn the lock, leaving her chained inside.