Page 132 of Dark Fate

"That's not gonna happen, My Dear." Azrael's voice is a sneer wrapped in an echo. His steps toward us are measured and filled with a malevolent grace.

Then, his face flickers with an instant of shock, his usually impassive eyes widening as if he's just spotted a ghost. It's rare to see such a master of darkness taken aback, and that look—it's a goddamn Christmas present. Whatever's got Azrael looking like he's seen the devil himself, I'm here for it and ready to use it to our advantage.

"The stone..." Azrael's voice trails off, hitting a wall of disbelief mid-sentence. He stops dead in his tracks, his hand—spindly fingers like midnight itself—raising to point squarely at Dani's crown. There's a glint in his dark eyes that I've never seen before; it's apprehension mixed with a dawning realization, and it gets the blood in my veins pumping even harder.

I follow his gaze, shifting ever so slightly to keep him within the periphery of my vision, ready to throw down should any of their tricks aim her way. But I see the glimmering jewel set front and center into the metal of her crown, a stone resonating with the purest light, pulsing like a heartbeat of life itself.

A smirk splits my face as I lock eyes with Azrael—this fucker just slipped up, showing a crack in his usually unbreakable mask. Now, I'm not just prepped; I'm goddamn hungry to take this asshole down a notch. Whatever magic this rock's packing, it's got Azrael rattled in his grimy, worn-out boots, and that alone's got me tasting a sweet slice of triumph.

Daniplays it cool, casual as ever, with her signature wit. "Oh, this thing?" She lifts a hand, waving it dismissively at the crown perched atop her head, baiting her enemy with feigned innocence."It's nothing much—just a heavenly upgrade courtesy of the big guy in the sky."

Azrael's growl rumbles low, the kind of sound that promises nothing but pain. I'm locked into every sound, every shift of the shadows—they're all telltales of the incoming storm.

Azrael's head swivels toward Amara, his eyes devoid of any sympathy or concern. "You're flying solo on this one, sweetheart. Consider it a test of your mettle," he informs her, his voice as flat and unyielding as a slab of cold granite. Then, his piercing gaze locks onto Dani, a steely determination etched into every line of his face. "Mark my words, little girl, this is far from over. We've barely scratched the surface of what's in store for you," he warns, his voice low and menacing, the weight of his threat hanging in the air like a suffocating fog. With a flick of his wrist, he gathers the tendrils of smoke and shadows around himself, his form dissolving into the inky darkness as he takes his leave.

I keep my senses primed and muscles coiled, not trusting the shadowy bastard as far as I can throw him.

But the cell is still; the coward has retreated… for now.Danistands strong, haloed in the light of her magic, eyes scanning for any lingering threats. I meet her gaze, and relief crashes over me in a dizzying wave. We're both still standing, still fighting.

Amara's bunch is just standing there, gawking, unsure what to do next. Shocking the shit out of Azrael really got them scratching their heads.

"Get them, you fools!" Amara orders.

Seizing this fucking moment—I gather my strength, focusing on the enemies that encircle us. I gather up my power and let the telekinesis well up until it feels like it's gonna burst out my goddamn skull, a pressure building behind my eyes that threatens to split my head in two.

"Dani, get behind me!" I bark, my voice rough with urgency.

It's the only warning I give—and Dani is behind me instantly, trusting me implicitly, her faith in me unwavering. With a roar that shakes the very foundations of the room, I release the pent-up energy, slamming it right into the horde of sorry bastards around us.

Their bodies fly, smacking into the walls with sounds that make my inner Viking grin, a savage joy welling up inside me at the sight of their defeat. The sickening crunch of bone, the groans of the fallen, they're the sweetest fucking lullaby to my ears, a symphony of vengeance long overdue. As they crumple to the floor, looking like a pile of broken dolls, I feel a sense of grim satisfaction, a dark pleasure in seeing them laid low.

Dani's gaze drifts past me, locking onto Amara, who is cowering against the wall like the pathetic wretch she is. The shadow queen's usual arrogance is gone, replaced by naked fear in her eyes as she meets Dani's stare, like a rabbit caught in the sights of a wolf.

Amara turns to run, a last-ditch attempt to save her own skin—I don't even see Dani move, her speed a blur of motion that my eyes can barely track.

Suddenly, she's got Amara pinned, dagger at her throat, a snarl of rage twisting her beautiful features into a mask of righteous fury. Amara struggles, but Dani's grip is iron, unyielding and unbreakable.

"And just where the hell do you think you're going?" Dani hisses, eyes flashing with righteous fury.

Amara unfurls her smoke and shadows, trying to compel under Dani's hold.

"Yeah, that crap's useless on me, you know that, right? Chosen One and all that shit," she retorts with a fierce grin packed with snark and defiance.

Amara chokes out something, pleas or curses, but Dani's having none of it. She presses the dagger tighter, just enough to draw a bead of inky blood from that pale, cursed neck.

I watch, pride surging in my chest as Dani overpowers her. Fuck she's a sight. She's an avenging angel, wreathed in celestial light, passing judgment on these creatures of shadow and malice.

Amara deserves no mercy, and I know Dani will have none to give. This is only the beginning, the first taste of the reckoning we will bring upon our enemies. And any who stand in Dani's way—in our way, will soon learn that even the light can fucking burn when provoked.

"You don't get to run, not after what you've done," Dani says, her voice cold and sharp as the blade she wields. "You wanted a war, bitch? Well, now you've got one."



Ican't help but smirk down at Amara, her once-powerful demeanor now reduced to pleading and squirming beneath me. "My, my, how the high and mighty have fallen," I taunt, pressing the dagger against her neck with a wicked grin. "Karma's finally caught up to you, hasn't it? And who better to deliver the blow than little old me."

Amara masks her irritation with a mocking smirk, "Oh, so you're the grand trophy my pet obsesses over?" I flinch at her words, provoking me—to call Rhyland her pet.