Page 80 of Dark Fate

He quickly withdraws from me, yanking my leathers down my legs.

"Get these off," he growls.

I do a shuffle-and-shimmy routine as I wage war with the constricting embrace of my leathers under the covers. The thought ofRhyland's next move has me all aflutter. After what feels like a gazillion years of grappling with the pesky fabric, I kick them off.

Rhylandmoves like lightning, flipping me quickly, tossing the blanket over us like a cloak of secrecy, and finding his cozy spot between my thighs before I can catch my breath.

He's going for it right here, smack-dab in the middle of camp, where anyone could take a peek. Talk about being on display—I might as well have gills and fins with how exposed I feel!

"Rhyland! Keeping it down isn't exactly my strong suit when you're doing... that!" I whisper-yell into his mind.

His chuckle is a low vibration in my thoughts, "I know,baby—that's precisely why I adore you. You're not shy about hitting those high notes, and I fucking live for hearing myAngelsing. But if you don't want to be caught, I suggest you keep that beautiful voice on mute."

Crap. He's on his own wavelength, immune to my caution.

Bracing to interject and squeezing my legs shut out of sheer reflex—this is madness, "Rhyland—"

But just like that, my protests evaporate, and every coherent thought zaps away, leaving me utterly without words as his searing tongue glides up my clit and his lips wrap around the tight bundle of nerves—

Sweet Jesus!

"Mmm…cotton candy." His voice rumbles through my thoughts, describing how I taste—a decadent concoction of sweet, sexy, and downright intoxicating.

I surrender, hoisting my imaginary white flag high as my resistance crumbles and my legs part like the Red Sea.

Here I am, shamelessly sailing the seas of pleasure aboard the good shipRhyland.



We proceed on horseback for the entire day, our backs aching and butts numb. Around dusk, a seemingly miniature metropolis unfolds before us. Curious Fae emerge from their dwellings, keen to glimpse our entourage threading through their domain.

"What is this place?" I query aloud, the words hanging in the air.

Axilya seizes the opportunity. "This is Sun City, the sanctuary of all the Fae from the Sun Court."

It strikes me how many Fae call this place home. It’s like stepping into a children’s fantasy, with each house appearing as if lifted from a fairytale illustration.

As we pass, a young girl beams a smile in our direction. Her sunny blonde hair modestly conceals the tips of her pointed ears, and her violet eyes glitter with the deep purple luster of amethysts.

"How beautiful," I manage to utter, utterly awestruck by the enchanting scene and the little Fae girl.

Rhyland’s arms encircle me from behind. "Not as beautiful as you," he whispers, and I can feel the heat of a blush color my cheeks in response to his flattering words.

We journey through the city in silence, the whispers of the wind barely audible over the gentle clip-clop of our steed’s hooves. More and more Fae pop out to steal glances, their eyes wide with wonder as they observe our passage through their luminescent Sun City.

As the last vestiges of daylight slip away, we finally approach the Sun Court Palace. Every inch of me aches from the long ride.

Rhyland, my Norse companion, has been the epitome of love and care. He murmured sweet nothings and epic sagas into my ear all day, spinning yarns of his heydays back in the land of fjords and fearless warriors.

We approach the Sun Palace gates, a jaw-dropping moment. The gates look like they've been dipped in liquid sunbeams, casting a mystical light show on the stones beneath. The palace itself, with its towering spires, is illuminated and exudes pure-hearted opulence, making my pulse quicken.

As we pull up to those regal doors, I shift around, trying to find some relief from the saddle's unforgiving embrace. "If I don’t get off this horse... I swear I’m gonna—"

The ancient hinges groan, introducing a scene so enchanting it silences my complaints. The expansive gardens resemble a vibrant explosion of colors, with blooms practically buzzing with inner light.

Wings and whimsical creatures flit past, like living dreamcatchers. Birds sing tunes so sweet and clear that I believe it's what happiness must sound like.