Page 24 of Dark Fate

A soft rap at the door, and I'm instantly alert. The door nudges open, and in slips that slight Fae girl, the same one as before.

She sets down the decanter of blood on a table without a peep, giving me a quick curtsy, her gaze glued to the floor. But then, she edges closer, her voice a low murmur, "Good day, My Lord. I'm Meadow."

Acknowledging her with a nod, my arms remain firmly crossed. "Right. So you're here to help me, huh?"

Her response is to raise a finger to her lips, a sharp "Shhh," her big brown doe eyes swimming with anxiety.

From the adjacent room, Lucian quips, "Hey bro, try to dial back the thrill a notch. We wouldn't want your wild enthusiasm to spill over, would we?"

I ignore him and lock my focus on Meadow. "Don't just freeze up now, spit it out. What's your grand scheme?" My voice barely rises above a whisper.

Meadow lifts her gaze, a glint of determination in her eyes. "In the eastern library, there's a book that can break the queen's grip on you. Slip in there when the castle's asleep tonight, and I'll decode the spells to set you free."

I let out a derisive snort, but beneath the scoff, a flicker of hope flares up. "I'm barred from leaving this room, remember? The queen will string me up if she finds me snooping around."

I throw the words out quietly, laced with skepticism.

Lucianchimes in from the next room, "What, did your sense of adventure take a vacation? Come on, they say luck's a lady for the daring—and I have a feeling she's quite the catch!"

I throw a killer glare at the wall—might as well be screaming at the brick for all the good it would do—then pivot back toMeadow. "And just why the hell can’t you grab the book yourself? You seem to know this place like the back of your hand."

Meadowsmirks. "I assure you, I have my methods. A special concoction will ensure the guards remain in a deep slumber until dawn. However, acquiring the book itself falls to you. It is placed on a shelf beyond my reach."

We keep our voices down, a thread above silence. I size her up, noting her tiny stature.

Letting out a long breath, I level a no-nonsense look at her. "I'm not sold yet. You're weaving a tale that's stretching my patience. But pull this off tonight, prove you're not bullshitting me, and maybe this crazy plan might work."

Meadow lifts her chin. "I seek only to undo the injustices plaguing this realm."

My suspicions are locked tight, but they're beginning to crack. Meadow has a knack for risk—it might just be my golden ticket out of here.

A blend of concession and the thrill of defying the queen stirs within me. "Fine. We'll play your game tonight. But remember, if this is a trap, you'll regret it." The threat is uttered in a guttural growl, razor-like in its intensity.

Victory sparks in Meadow's eyes, and her voice drops to an excited hush. "Come nightfall, you'll break free from these chains."

Staring down at Meadow, I can't help but wonder out loud. "What's your angle in all this? Why take the heat for me?"

Meadow holds my gaze, unwavering. "I have my own reasons. Your freedom represents more than just your own—it’s hope for every soul oppressed by the queen."

I try to spot any hint of a con, but all I see is raw honesty and a solid streak of guts. She gets the risks, but she's stepping up for something bigger than us. That kind of self-sacrifice hits a nerve.

"People don't usually throw themselves into the fire for someone they don't know—especially for a vampire," I say slowly. "You're either brave as hell, crazy, or dead serious about knocking the queen off her throne."

Meadow tips her chin up. "I follow my gut and pay the price, whatever it is."

My guard drops a notch, suspicion melting. But trust? That's another beast, and I'm not there yet.

She takes a deep breath, opens her mouth, then shuts it again as if choosing her words carefully. I shift impatiently, arms folded across my chest. "I was torn from my family, and because... I have visions," she hesitates. "I've seen you in them, saving this realm from darkness."

I keep my face composed, trying to gather more. “You see anything else when these visions hit you?”

“Only an element—light,” Meadow tosses back.

Her words light up a firework of questions. Could her sight be tangled with the secret mission that set Dani and me on this path?

Is there a link to the prophecy we're trying to nail down?

I release a breath I wasn't aware I was holding, grateful Meadow seems oblivious to Dani's importance.