I extend my arm reluctantly across the stone table, avoiding looking directly at the needle.
My skepticism remains, but I trust Faderyn enough to endure this "primitive" process. As long as it helps feed Erik, I can handle a bit of old-fashioned bloodletting. It doesn't mean I must enjoy being poked by antique equipment. "Just make it quick, " I mutter through gritted teeth. Here's hoping I don't get tetanus from this little ritual...
Faderyn's touch is exceedingly gentle as he pricks my vein with the thick needle, channeling crimson fluid into the tube and then into the glass. I feel only the faintest sting, a testament to his skill. Soon, he withdraws the needle and presses a cloth to the tiny wound.
"There, it's all done," Faderyn pronounces, respectfully bowing the now full glass to Erik. "Please restore your strength, friend."
The chaste term of address makes Erik's pale eyes widen slightly in surprise. But hunger quickly overrides any reluctance. He accepts the glass with quiet gratitude. "You honor me, Dani. I shall never forget this kindness."
Then, he drinks deeply, some color already returning to his haggard features when the glass empties. Watching him revive so rapidly eases the knot of worry in my chest.
Turning to Faderyn, I lay a heartfelt hand on his arm. "Thank you, my friend, for considering Erik and his needs. You and I share the same care for others." I wink at him playfully.
His answer holds utter sincerity. "You will never have to face trials alone, Dani. Now come, we have the training to begin."
Catching sight of Erik, a surge of relief washes over me as I notice the subtle rosy tint creeping back into his otherwise pale complexion, a sign of his returning vigor. It's remarkable the swift impact that even a single transfusion of my blood has wrought within him.
There he stands in the dappled glow of the new day, bathed in a shaft of sunlight that spills through the open tent flap—a sight that defies the age-old lore that such light should singe a vampire's flesh.
I offer a warm and genuine smile as I look up at him. "Feeling better?"
He returns my gaze, his pale eyes reflecting genuine gratitude. "Yes, Little One. You have my deepest thanks."
Unable to resist, I nudge his solid arm teasingly. "Anytime you need a refill, just ask. I'm told I'm quite the vintage."
Erik chuckles at my playfulness, a comforting rumble. "I will definitely be answering to Rhyland once we get him back," Erik says, almost sheepishly. He feels guilty.
Facing Erik, I assert myself with renewed conviction. "I'll deal with Rhyland," I declare, leaving no room for protest. "Remember, this was my decision, not yours. You did what was necessary to make it through."
Erik's gaze wavers, uncertainty flickering in his eyes, but he gives me a hesitant nod after a moment.
"Rhyland had better not give you any shit over this," I add, my voice simmering with resolve. "Your actions were the epitome of honor and self-control. If he even thinks about holding you accountable for some archaic vampire etiquette—" I pause, my stare as fierce as my words—"he'll have to answer to me."
A hint of a smile tugs at Erik's mouth. "You are brave to face your mate's temper so readily. But let us hope it does not come to that."
I lift my chin stubbornly. "It won't. Rhyland will understand you only did what I forced on you out of necessity."
I notice Faderyn eyeing Erik curiously. "So it's true? You can walk in sunlight unaffected?" He sounds impressed but puzzled. "How is that possible?"
I shrug. "Being made of pure light apparently has fringe benefits."
Faderyn's emerald-green eyes widen at this revelation. "Remarkable," he murmurs. "Your gifts are more profound than I realized, Dani."
I smile, knowing that this power feels mostly like a curse, but it can protect my guys, which gives me peace.
Faderyn gracefully changes focus. "Shall we begin your training?"
With an encouraging smile, he leads us toward the woods.
I'm burning off nervous energy, caged in this gilded 'cell,' combing every inch for some crack, any way out.
The room is a den of debauchery, decked out in exotic furnishings that scream wealth and power. Plush rugs and intricate tapestries adorn every surface, a feast for the eyes that leaves a bitter taste. In the far corner, there's a bed big enough to fit an army, draped in silk sheets that practically ooze sin. The lighting is some dark fae magic, casting an eerie glow that sets my teeth on edge. I hate every inch of this place, and I can't wait to burn it to the ground.
This damn collar clamped on my neck is mocking my every attempt to break free. No magic, no escape. I'm stuck playing by the queen's twisted rules.