Before I can fire back, Erik strides in, cutting the tension. "What are you two idiots bickering about now?" He's got that knowing look like he can smell the drama from a mile away.
Lucian leans back in his chair, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. "Oh, you know, just another day in the life of the dysfunctional undead brothers. Rhyland's got his panties in a twist because I dared to save his girl's life. Can you believe the audacity?"
Erik sighs, pinching his nose like he's dealing with two unruly toddlers. He settles into a nearby chair beside me, shooting Lucian a glare. "You're a fool. Never had much taste for rules, did you?"
Lucian throws up his hands in frustration, eyes flitting between Erik and me. "Oh, so it's totally cool for tall, dark, and stoic over here to play bodyguard and sensei to Dani, but the moment I try to lend a helping hand, I get a big, fat 'fuck you' for my troubles? How's that fair, huh?"
Without skipping a beat, Erik and I chime in perfect unison, "Because you're an asshole."
Lucian scoffs dismissively, "Wow, really feeling the love here, guys. You sure know how to make a guy feel special." He turns his attention back to his paperwork, waving off the tension in the room like a bad fart. "You know what? Screw it. You two can return to your little 'no girls allowed' clubhouse. I've got more important shit to deal with."
I can't help but roll my eyes at Lucian's over-the-top display of indifference. Classic Lucian, always playing the victim card when he gets called out on his crap. But as much as I hate to admit it, the bastard has a point. If I can trust Erik to watch Dani's back, then maybe I need to extend that same trust to Lucian, even if he is a walking, talking migraine.
I take a deep breath, trying to rein in my frustration. "Look, Lucian, I appreciate you looking out for Dani. I do. But you've gotta understand this whole mate thing... it's new territory for me. I can't help but be protective of her, especially after everything that's happened."
Lucian leans back in his chair, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Aww, look at you, being all mature and shit. I think I might just shed a tear." He mimes wiping away an imaginary tear, sniffling for added effect. "But seriously, I get it. You're in uncharted waters here and scared of losing her. Believe me, I know the feeling."
I raise an eyebrow, surprised by his sudden sincerity. "You do?"
He nods, his expression turning uncharacteristically somber. "Yeah, man. I mean, I may not have a mate of my own, but I know what it's like to care about someone so much that the thought of losing them makes you want to tear the world apart. It's fucking terrifying."
We stare at each other momentarily, a silent understanding passing between us. Then, just as quickly as it appeared, the moment is gone, and Lucian's signature smirk is back in place. "But hey, enough of this sappy shit. We have a world to save and a damsel to keep out of distress. So, what do you say we bury the hatchet and get back to being the badass motherfuckers we are?"
I can't help but chuckle, shaking my head in amusement. "You're a real piece of work, you know that?"
Lucian grins and gives me a wink. "And you wouldn't have me any other way, big bro."
Erik digs into his pocket and tosses a small object in my direction. Instinctively, my hand snaps out, snatching it from the air. I roll it between my fingers, a flicker of recognition in my eyes. "Found this on Adrian—he was clenching it tight."
My voice is a mix of curiosity and awe. "Is this—is this what I think it is?" I demand, surprise overtaking me.
Erik nods, "I believe it is."
I swallow hard, pushing past the lump in my throat. "How the hell?" I narrow my gaze, growing more determined to unearth the truth.
"Guess this sheds light on his hasty exit," Erik remarks dryly, the understatement highlighting his inherent stoicism.
Dani bursts through the door, her grin fucking radiant enough to light up a goddamn continent. "Emily's on her way over," she pants out, teetering on the edge of excitement. "Girl time is long overdue, so I'm gonna need you gentlemen to occupy yourselves with... whatever manly endeavors you’ve got on the docket."
I spring to my feet and bolt to her side in an instant. Clamping my hand around her waist, I yank her toward me, "We gotta hash out some shit about Azrael—" I start.
"Can this please take a rain check? It's been ages since I've seen Emily—I have to see her, Rhyland." I start to argue, but then she stands on her damn tippy toes, sucks my bottom lip into her mouth like she owns it, and says, "Please?"
Goddamn, this woman is gonna be the end of me. How the hell am I supposed to say no to her, to that? My cock is still rock solid from her little teasing, never fully softened from our earlier encounter.
"Fine. Afterward, we've got serious shit to talk about," I admit reluctantly.
Her face lights up as she makes to leave once more. I quickly reel her back in against me, eliciting a soft "oompf" from her lips. Her honey-gold eyes lock onto mine, a silent plea, "Don't stray too far—stick around this bar, will you... please?" And with that, I seal my request with a kiss.
"I promise," she says. Then, the next thing I know, Dani turns on her heel and bolts out the door.
Perched at Club Karma's bar, my foot's rhythmic tapping broadcasts my impatience. The phone call's barely over, and the anticipation of reuniting with Emily has me practically vibrating in my seat.
Dressed in a sultry little black ensemble found in Lucian's secret stash, I feel both sexy and like I’m in my own skin—a familiar echo of my style. Knee-high boots complete the look.