Page 162 of Dark Fate

I edge forward, dropping my voice seriously. "It was the Soul Stone, Ax—her gateway to Moretemis and illegitimate power compelling Alinar and everyone else to her side."

"Alinar didn't bail on you for some shiny throne or epic tales. Amara was pulling strings because she was green-eyed over the legit, unshakeable thing you two have going—a thing she can't get her grubby mitts on."

Axilya sucks in a quick breath, her eyes widening just a tad. "You know about me and... Alinar?" It's like I've just dropped a plot twist she didn't see coming.

"He just confessed everything to me," I say, not missing a beat.

Axilya perks up, all regal-like, but I can see the twinge of hurt slicing through her typically unshakeable, fae-fancy facade. "How do you know this… for sure? We—our kind can't be compelled." she quizzes, a wisp of vulnerability peeking through.

I can almost visibly see the gears grinding away as she recalls Rhyland's words about the compulsion. She's putting two and two together, and you best believe she's not about to settle for an answer of bullshit.

"Because," I lay it down with all the gusto I've got, "That stone is more powerful than what you or your ancestors could ignore, and Amara used that. Alinar's been in your corner, duking it out with that witch and holding his heart for you. But Amara, she's put a lid on him—tight. He's head-over-heels for you, Ax. He found a potion to guard his mind from her compulsion—faking it. He's stuck it out and is now waiting for you to catch wind of the truth and make your move—even now."

That hope in Axilya's eyes? It flares up quickly before she snaps her ice-queen mask back into place.

"You imply that he has harbored affection for me all these years—retains his love? And all the while, I believed he had forsaken me," the quiver in her voice reveals an aspect previously concealed—a vulnerability in her facade. "And what of Amara?"

"Because that's what Amara wanted you to think. The real stuff—like what you've got—doesn't go poof from time away or a few miles in between." I feel that pang in my chest 'cause Rhyland, and I live the same epic love story. "Amara is awaiting judgment," I confess.

I lock eyes with her as she starts to let her guard down, walls toppling over to show the real deal—her heart, craving something lost but not forgotten. There's something about watching a queen come undone—like the most powerful storm showing its eye.

"He's been in contact with King Oberon," I toss in, watching her closely. "They're set to discuss handing the crown back to where it belongs—to you, Your Highness."

She draws in a sharp breath—I might as well have said the magic words. It's like I've unlocked the chest where she's kept all her wishes stashed.

"Why?" The word tumbles out of her, wrapped in a whole tangle of dazed and hungry emotions. "I gave it up."

"Because you're born to wear the crown of Luminara," I shoot back, cutting through the fluff. "And because let’s face it,Luminarais itching for its one and only queen."

You could almost hear the destiny gears grinding, setting things into motion with a hum in the air that screamed 'epic moment.'

We're looped back into the silence—a thick blanket of nothingness lingering in the air as we each take turns on this wild ride of feelings.

"You know, just between us, Calimero is basically holding his breath for you to waltz back and take up that crown. They're ready for an encore, and who can stand in the way of your triumphant return, Ax?" My tone is equal parts jest and challenge, a feisty spur to action.

A glimmer appears in Axilya's eyes, a tide of unshed tears at the invocation of Calimero's name. "He belonged to me, once upon a time—before this chaos," she states, her lips curving into a poignant smile.

"Oh, brilliant. Sneak up on me with a twist, why don't you?" I say, my voice dripping with mock astonishment and a playful roll of my eyes. Kinda figured that little surprise.

"Alright, 'Your Highness,' lay it on us—what's the next move in your regal playbook?"

"I will go to Alinar," Axilyya declares, her face all lit up with that royal 'never-say-die' vibe. "The hour's come for me to step up and wear that crown again of Luminara like I was born to."

"As for me," I pipe up, feeling that adrenaline pump, "I'm hightailing it back to the mortal scene. Gonna lure Azrael out into the open so you can get the house in order around here."

"And Ax…Amara—you call the shots on that one. Your decision, your rules." My words are laced with the unsaid—give 'em hell. But it's Axilya's call to make, not mine. This is her arena, her face-off—her payback.

Axilyya gets to her feet, and the room seems to straighten up as she rises. She's got that look, all majesty and power, like she's ready to step up and rule it all.

"Hand in hand," she nods, confirming the game plan, "Luminara will be whole again. Our magic restored." Ax smiles at me, the genuine, no-strings-attached smile I never figured I'd see from her. "Thank you, Danica—Savior," she says, and just like that, she's wrapping me up in a hug that could squeeze the fight out of a bear.



The library greets me with the hush of a thousand untold stories, but I'm not here for the quiet. I'm all fired up, purposely charging my steps. "Pack up," I break the silence, "We're going home."

Rhyland nods in agreement. "I'm more than ready to get the hell out of here."