His swollen head hits my cervix now on every stroke, stealing my breath. I'm balanced on a knife's edge, right at the brink...
"Come for me; give me everything," he commands roughly. His words trigger my orgasm instantly.
I detonate around his pistoning cock, vision whiting out as I gush down his length. He fucks me through every powerful convulsion as I scream his name.
"That's it, baby," he groans approvingly. I clench desperately to keep him lodged inside, never wanting this ecstasy to end.
Soon, he swells impossibly thicker. With a bellow, he slams home, flooding my quivering pussy with cum. The scalding heat pushes me into another dizzying orgasm. He continues pounding every drop into me. The echo of his guttural roars mingles with my ragged cries, composing the filthiest duet.
Finally spent, he pins me to the wall as we tremble through the aftershocks. Our mingled arousal paints my thighs. The electrified air crackles between our sweat-slick forms. Gently, he tilts my head back, kissing me passionately until my legs liquefy. Scooping me up easily, he carries me to the bed, desires already rekindling in his eyes.
We collapse together in a tangle of limbs, his lips tracing my skin reverently. I revel in his comforting heat enveloping me. We kiss languidly as our hands roam greedily, bodies sealing together again. Heart racing, I breathe in his addictive scent, amazed by our profound connection.
"I'll never get enough of you," he murmurs tenderly against my ear.
I gaze into his vivid blue eyes. "Tell me more about this mate bond you mentioned." I need to understand what binds us.
Rhyland strokes my hair gently. "For my kind, when we find our true mate, it creates an unbreakable soul tie. I can sense your essence, your spirit, as if it's a part of me. Your joy and your pain—I feel it too." He kisses my forehead sweetly. "Our bond, once forged, lasts for eternity."
My brows knit together. "Eternity? But how, when I'm mortal?"
He nods thoughtfully. "I don't know, honestly. But your soul calls to mine, Dani."
His conviction resonates through our point of contact. This transcends human comprehension.
His words resonate within me. "Is that why I constantly crave your touch?" I ask. "It's like an almost painful yearning in my core when we're apart."
"Yes," Rhyland murmurs. "Our souls call out for one another. Being together satisfies something deep within us both."
I close my eyes, focusing on the thrum of energy flowing between us. This bond transcends the physical—it's like we share one spirit. I understand now why it feels impossible to pull away despite the complications threatening us. We are two halves of one whole. This connection goes beyond conscious thought or choice. I finally understand why I feel so powerfully and inexorably drawn to him.
"Have you ever felt something so deep?" he asks intently.
I shake my head, thinking of my past failed relationships. "Never anything close to this." I cup his cheek tenderly. "The way you make me feel—there are no words. You undo me completely, Rhyland."
He smiles joyously at my admission, the warmth reaching his vivid eyes. We don't need words," he murmurs. "Through our bond, I will feel everything within you—your highest peaks of joy and your lowest moments of despair. Your sadness resonates in my heart as if it were my own. When you feel fear, I sense it creeping through my veins, too."
He brushes his fingers along my cheek tenderly. "But also your passion and your desire," he continues, his voice low. "The quickening of your pulse, the heat rising within you...it also echoes through me. Your longing and sensuality mingle with mine until they are one."
He leans in closer, his nose nuzzling against my neck as he inhales my scent. "This bond allows me to experience your emotions, pleasures, and pains as if they live inside me, too. It connects us at the deepest levels." He captures my lips in a searing kiss, conveying all his joy, passion, and devotion through the caress of his mouth on mine.
After long, blissful moments, he shifts slightly, grave purpose entering his face. "What was that light show shit from your hands earlier?"
I cringe internally. No avoiding this conversation now. Haltingly, I explain discovering my abnormal test results and my strange abilities manifesting. He listens intently to every detail.
Propping up on an elbow, I finish my account. "So I still have no clue who my biological parents are. I was adopted."
Rhyland pounces, pinning me beneath his hard body. I gasp then moan as his mouth blazes down my throat. I grind my hips up urgently, craving more of him.
His breath ghosts my ear. "When did the abilities appear?" His hips roll teasingly as I cling to him.
"After we met," I pant, distracted by his maddening friction. He hums thoughtfully before claiming my mouth. I sense he's holding something back, but I just want to get lost in him again.
After another searing kiss, he pulls me up suddenly, mischief dancing in his eyes.
"Let's get you cleaned up, Angel."
I let him draw me eagerly toward the shower, ready to be deliciously dirty all over again.