Page 51 of Dark Awakening

But escape is impossible as I streak deeper into the shadowy woods. What have I done? Some violent impulse has possessed me, desperate to spirit her away, if only for a few stolen moments...

I finally slow to a stop deep among the shadowy pines, my preternatural speed ebbing. Moonlight filters through the needled branches. Danica pants for breath in my crushing hold, her hair tangled with twigs.

I know I should release her, but irrational fear roots me in place. What will I see in her eyes? The accusations I deserve?

Steeling myself, I cautiously unclasp my hand from her mouth. She inhales sharply, disoriented. I expect shouts, slaps—but she is motionless, stunned.

The silence rings louder than any scream. Then she explodes— "Let me go!" She pushes against me ineffectually. "What the hell is this? Take me back.”

She glares venomously as I chuckle. Jaw clenched, she appears to bite back a screaming tirade with immense effort. "Not until you calm down. Don't want to attract any unwanted attention."

"Fine," she forces out bitterly. The hostility radiating off her is palpable.

I release my crushing hold. She staggers back, rubbing her arms, eyeing me with distrust. The woods seem to hold their breath, the quiet foreboding.

Despite her fury, Danica takes in the tranquil brook shining in the moonlight, oak branches etched in silvery relief. Admiring the beauty even now betrays her tender heart.

Our eyes lock silently across the small distance. Hers are fiery with outrage and hurt. Mine are pleading for a chance to explain unforgivable actions.

This stunning forest scene framed by darkness reflects our situation perfectly. Where do we go from here?

"What the hell, Rhyland?" she yells, glaring fiercely. "Kidnapping me is your idea of a date?"

I meet her fiery gaze unflinchingly. In those golden eyes, wariness and mistrust swirl—but also a flicker of something more vulnerable.

"I needed to see you, Angel," my voice is a growl, the ownership ringing loud and clear even to my own ears. "You belong to me now, Danica," I declare bluntly. This goddamn enigmatic woman has ensnared me in ways she hasn't even begun to comprehend. "Why the hell are you hiding up here? Are you running from me? We have a connection that must be discussed."

Her eyes, they spark with fury...and something else, something softer, like a goddamn plea. She's cornered against a tree, scouting an exit. "Yours?" she spits back, pure venom. "I don’t belong to anyone! Whatever 'connection' you think we got is a fuckin' farce — torqued up without a say in it!

Yeah, I know I come off like some kind of beast. But after centuries of loss, I grip onto the chance that she's rightfully mine like a damn lifeline. "There's something fierce and raw between us, Dani," I admit, struggling to keep my passion under wraps. "This isn't some petty bullshit. We're connected on a deeper level, you and I."

The forest holds its breath, our standoff stretching taut. Dani snorts. "You've lost it. The only thing 'between us' is you trying to box me in."

I search her eyes, wondering if she can sense the truth. She says nothing, but her body responds to my words, belying her feigned indifference.

I invade her space. "You can’t bury it; this connection's deeper than simple lust, more binding than any command. Old magic — it’s real, and it’s us."

"You’ve gone off the deep end," she hisses, but there's this glimmer of doubt, a tiny crack in her armor. "The only 'magic' is the crap you've conjured up in your messed-up head."

But as I close the gap, the moonlight casting us in silver and shadow, her sharp intake of breath speaks volumes.

"Keep feeding yourself those lies, Angel." My finger traces her throat, and she quivers. "You can't help it — your body's hungry for mine, just as I'm fuckin’ starved for yours."

She tilts her head away but doesn't retreat from my lingering caress. "You don't affect me," she denies weakly. But we both know it's a lie.

She might turn her head and play it off, but she's not fooling anyone.

I bite back the full truth to avoid scaring her further. Patience, it's a virtue, I guess. Our destiny isn't going anywhere.

"Own up to it. There's fear in those beautiful eyes, but there's desire, too, itching under your skin. Our fate begins now." Her internal war is almost goddamn palpable — her body’s yielding, but her mind's in full retreat. She’s not quite there yet. But give it time. She'll be all in.

"Our fate?" She throws back, disbelief, painting her scowl. "You sound like a lunatic, like some kinda creep, showing up here! This isn't normal, Rhyland!"

"No shit, it ain't normal," I shoot back. "But when the hell have we ever been just 'normal'?"

She’s a mess of conflict, arms wrapped around herself. She bites her lip, clearly torn up inside. "I... I need some space to wrap my head around this."

I close in, the crackle between us charged enough to light up the night. "I hear you, Angel. But it's like my soul’s been hardwired to yours. There's no turning back from whatever the hell this is."