Page 133 of Dark Awakening

A spark of optimism flickers inside me. If we can find the crown, perhaps there's hope of saving everything after all.



We step cautiously through the hidden doorway, gripping our weapons tightly, every sense on high alert. My eyes widen as an immense chamber is revealed, its smooth walls seeming to absorb all light. Yet the stone shimmers faintly with intricate constellations and arcane symbols, like the maps of some cosmic cartographer. Our gaze is drawn to the room's center, where a raised dais holds an object that makes my heart leap—the crown.

Golden light glints off its polished edges, the single brownstone glowing like an ember. As we approach, the tingling at the back of my neck spreads until my whole scalp buzzes. My pulse hammers in anticipation...and dread.

The crown's energy resonates within me, begging for release from its ancient prison. Erik's awed groan echoes through the still air. Even in the dark, the relic fills the space with its warm, shimmering aura.

Rhyland reaches out a tentative hand to touch it. Suddenly, arcs of electricity appear, crackling around the crown in a protective barrier. He jerks back, eyes wide with shock and confusion. The chamber hums with sparks and power, a warning not to come closer.

"What the...?" Erik breathes in disbelief, and we all stare transfixed at the flickering barrier.

Cautiously, Adrian extends a hand, only to meet the same resistance, invisible energy repelling his advance. "Some kind of enchantment," he deduces, brows furrowed.

I recall Seraphina's words that the crown is meant for me, a part of me. Now, their meaning hits me in a burst of revelation. "Maybe...only I can reach it," I say softly.

Rhyland meets my eyes, surprise mingling with concern in his gaze. "Are you sure?"

I turn to him with newfound resolve. "My powers are connected to it, somehow."

Rhyland steps back reluctantly. "Be careful," he urges.

They watch tensely as I approach the dais, breaths coming quick and shallow as if each could be my last. I stretch out a trembling hand. The energy surrounding the crown crackles faster, prickling over my skin as if bonding us together. I can feel it vibrating through every fiber of my being.

I place my palm against the barrier. A gentle wave of warm light radiates from the point of contact, flickering the carved runes to life. They twist and dance across the crown's surface with otherworldly vitality, glowing ever brighter.

The barrier melts away, leaving the crown bare before me. My hand quivers in anticipation as I gently touch its polished edge. The metal, as smooth as silk, seems hewn from the purest gold. The single stone emits a soft glow, shimmering electricity dancing through my body to resonate with my pounding heart.

I carefully lift the crown from its pedestal, relishing its solid weight in my hands like two pieces of a grand puzzle finally united.

I turn to face the others, their eyes bright with shared purpose. This journey has forged an unbreakable bond between us. With the crown in hand, I know I'm fated to lead us into uncharted waters.

Determination surges within me, yet tears stream down my cheeks as the enormity of it hits me. I've left everyday life behind forever. The world is far greater and more dangerous than I ever imagined—anxiety wars with awe inside me.

What will come next? I can't even fathom it.

Rhyland's eyes shine with pride. "You found it," he says softly, taking my hand. We share a knowing look—we're in this together, come what may.

Adrian and Erik exchange resolute nods. "We must start planning our next steps," Adrian declares.

As Rhyland wraps a supportive arm around me, I clutch the crown tightly. Our journey has just begun.

A deep rumble shudders through the floor, vibrating through my boots like an earthquake. The temperature plummets as a deafening roar fills the chamber. Constellations on the walls shake, stones crashing down around us. Fear lances through me at this ominous chain of events—the entire underground city is collapsing!

"We need to go now!" Rhyland shouts over the cacophony.

Scooping me up in his arms, he sprints for the exit. I cling tight to the crown with one hand and Rhyland with the other as we race to escape while the world crumbles around us.

The ground heaves, sending shock waves through our bodies. We dodge falling debris—crushing rocks and crumbling statues that once stood for eons. The air is choked with swirling dust and grit. Through the haze, I spot a narrow opening, pointing frantically.

Rhyland's keen eyes find the route. He surges toward it with inhuman speed, powerful legs propelling us through the passageway seconds before the ceiling caves in behind us with an earth-shattering boom.

We tumble through together as the room buckles and sinks into itself behind us, burying the hidden chamber beneath mountains of debris.

The impact of the fall knocks the wind out of me, and I reflexively cough and wheeze. Grains of dirt rise from the floor with each breath. My ribs and joints ache as I painstakingly haul myself upright.