Page 111 of Dark Awakening

I stare at Marcus, listening intently despite the distraction of my raging thirst and pounding headache. "What kind of artifact?"

"It's known as the Soul Stone," he explains. "An object tied to primal dark energy and shadow itself. Incredibly potent." His tone radiates reverence and greed. "I aim to take back what's mine. And you are the leverage I will use to get it."

I squirm helplessly against the ropes biting into my skin, desperate to escape this nightmare. "Please, you don't have to do this," I plead. "You can't possibly think he'll uphold any deal with you."

Marcus rises slowly to his imposing full height, expression unreadable. Suddenly, he kicks the chair violently across the room, the wood clattering loudly against the far wall. In two swift strides, he's inches from my face, and his expression twisted into a menacing sneer.

"Oh, he'll make the trade alright. I can smell it on you, whatever power you hold," he growls through gritted teeth. "He won't be able to resist possessing you. And then I'll finally have back what's rightfully mine."

Rage boils up inside me. "You're a delusional fucking moron if you think that snake will uphold any deal," I spit defiantly.

Marcus's massive hand shoots out, clamping around my throat and cutting off my air. "You dare insult me, you worthless bitch?" he roars, tightening his grip.

I gasp uselessly for breath, vision darkening at the edges. After an endless, terrifying moment, he releases me.

"He will make the exchange," Marcus declares coldly. "Or I will end your pathetic life without hesitation."

The true direness of my situation crashes down on me. I have to find some way to warn Rhyland. Mustering every ounce of focus, I strain desperately against the ropes, trying to summon my powers, but they remain maddeningly out of reach.

Marcus looms over me, satisfaction twisting his features. "You won't be escaping, girl. Your fate will soon be decided."

I glare up at him defiantly. "You can't hurt me unless Azrael agrees to your pathetic deal. I'm untouchable by the likes of you."

My taunt hits its mark. Marcus's eyes blaze with unrestrained rage. Before I can react, his massive fist slams into my face, the force of the blow sending me and the chair crashing sideways to the ground.

Pain explodes through my skull and shoulder from the impact. I cry out, the taste of blood filling my mouth. Above me, Marcus towers like a vengeful demon.

"You think being Azrael's bargaining chip makes you safe, bitch?" He punctuates this with a vicious kick to my unprotected ribs. I hear a sickening crack, blinding agony lancing through my side.

"I'll teach you some respect!" Marcus roars.

Through the pain and blood, I cling desperately to one thought—I have to survive this. Rhyland is coming.

Marcus unties me from the chair and grabs a fistful of my hair, wrenching me up. "Let's see you spew more of that defiant trash now," he snarls before slamming my face into the unforgiving ground.

As darkness creeps into my vision, I retreat deep within my mind. Just hold on, I tell myself. Rhyland will find me. He has to...

He tears my underwear from my body with brutal force. I scream in terror as he rips my shirt off, exposing my breasts to his malicious gaze. His meaty hand clamps around one of them, squeezing forcefully until I can’t help but cry out for mercy. My tears mingle with the dirt on my cheeks as I struggle hopelessly against his crushing grip, my feeble attempts to fight back powerless against his strength. His fingers trail down to my core, where he pushes them into me rough and rugged, making me writhe in pain and anguish.

“You like that, slut?” he sneers in my face between gritted teeth. “How about a real dick instead of a dead one inside you?”

A cry of agony rips through my throat, “STOP!”

This can’t be happening again, and I’m powerless to stop it. Though I fight—my abilities have been silenced as if a switch had been flipped, also rendering Rhyland inaccessible. Even if I can reach him, what could he possibly do?

I clench my eyes shut, gritting my teeth as Marcus’s weight bears down on me. I dig deep within myself, searching for the source of my power. It simmers beneath the surface, and I focus. The rage that sweeps through me is a turbulent storm fueled by fear and desperation.

As I struggle violently against Marcus's iron grasp, my magic suddenly burns within me like wildfire, lashing out at him with force beyond my control. Before I can even process what's happening, Marcus rockets clear across the cellar with the power of a freight train, crashing thunderously through the far wall in an explosive shower of splintered wood and debris.

He lies among the wreckage, staring at me in utter disbelief, unable to comprehend the raw force of magic that sent him flying limply across the room like a rag doll. I stare down at my own trembling hands in equal shock, adrenaline and fear pumping through my veins. That intense magical eruption wasn't like anything I'd produced before. Usually, I can feel my power flowing steadily, its comforting warmth centered deep within me.

This time, it was like a raging dam suddenly bursting, my magic exploding outwards, amplified exponentially into a devastating blast. Am I getting stronger, or just dangerously more volatile? I still have difficulty controlling my abilities, the residual drugs clouding my focus and dulling my reflexes. But one thing is now painfully sure. I just incapacitated a powerful werewolf alpha against my own will. And I have no idea if I can repeat or restrain that level of power surging through me.

The thunder of hurried footsteps pounding down the wooden stairs makes me snap my head up in alarm. I freeze like a deer in headlights as a male pack member I don't recognize comes barreling into view, eyes wide with shock and alarm. He quickly scans the utterly demolished room, piecing together what must have transpired here. I can feel waves of accusation radiating from his glare when his gaze finally lands on me.

He whirls to face Marcus, who is slowly dragging himself up from the rubble, murder blazing in his enraged eyes.

"What the hell happened here, Marcus?" the wolf bellows, voice booming through the confined space. "We had strict orders not to lay a single hand on the girl!"