Page 142 of Dark Awakening

Without warning, I barge into the sight of Lucian plowing into some woman splayed over his desk, bare tits exposed. Shocked by my entry, the mortified girl begs him to stop. Lucian ignores her pleas, slapping her ass hard and commanding she stays still.

Not missing a beat, he tosses a casual "Be done in a sec, brother," in my direction, as if walking in on him banging broads is an everyday occurrence.

I stroll to the bar and pour a drink, waiting for him to finish aggressively hammering the now-scrambling girl.

Finally spent, he zips up and slumps into his chair with an amused smirk. The chick flees in utter humiliation, but Lucian remains unfazed. He clearly gets off on this type of exhibitionism—what a perverted motherfucker.

"Glad you're back in one piece," he quips. "That oozing ass-pimple Azrael was sniffing around for intel on you and your firecracker."

My hands clench into fists. "What did that shit-gargling fuck want?"

Lucian shrugs. "Oh, harmless stuff—your whereabouts, info about Dani. A friendly chat over tea and biscuits."

That presumptuous bloodsucker is already tracking us after the ambush. "So what did you tell him?" I demand through gritted teeth.

"I informed Mr. High-and-Mighty that ignorance is bliss. And that my club isn't the ideal spot for a game of twenty questions." Lucian's grin turns sly. "Far more impactful than simply saying 'fuck off.'"

Lucian looks me up and down curiously. "Which reminds me—you've been gone over a week. Did something happen on your leisurely nature hike, or did you just decide to get lost for shits and giggles?"

I shake my head firmly. "That's impossible. We were only gone a day, tops."

At Lucian's deepening frown of confusion, I explain our bizarre discovery of the Valley's advanced civilization and Dani conferring with Seraphina about the crown's stones upon our prompt return.

Lucian's expression becomes thoughtful. "Well, bend me over and fuck me sideways—looks like you crazy kids did some bonafide time travel!" His eyes gleam impishly. "Maybe you can grab some winning lotto numbers from the past, Marty McFly."

Ignoring his absurd remarks, I get to the point. "What intelligence were you able to gather about Azrael's illegal blood trade?"

At the mention of the blood trade, Lucian's playful demeanor vanishes. He slaps a thick dossier onto the desk. "Feast your eyes on this steaming pile of dirty secrets."

As I rapidly flip through page after shocking page, my disgust and rage build by the second.

"Senators, CEOs, philanthropists—all clearly tied to Azrael's depraved operation?" Lucian spats.

Lucian's fingers rap an angry staccato beat against his jaw. "Either that lumpy jizz-stain is harvesting souls with a crazy straw for Moldy-wart, or he's gathering blood and bodies to build a gruesome undead army."

His eyes blaze with fervent zeal. "Let's ram this mountain of evidence right down the council's fossilized throats! No more escaping punishment. It's time to royally ruin this deviant creep!"

The vampire council governs our society, punishing major and minor transgressions. With this damning proof, they can no longer ignore Azrael's escalating crimes.

"Get it done immediately," I order Lucian gruffly.

He sighs in exaggerated annoyance. "Ugh, dealing with those crusty old vampire farts just sucks balls. But for you, dear brother, I'll make sure to give them hell." A grin spreads across his face at the thought.

Keen to know more details, Lucian prompts casually, "So, spill the tea. Give me the full download of everything during your little excursion."

I explain how the crown's empty gem settings apparently represent each realm, and to stand a chance against Mortemis, we'll need to gather their powers and unite them.

Lucian bobs his head as he listens, brows pinched together. "Makes total sense. Combined, they'd create one ultra-powerful badass force to reckon with."

I continue recounting everything Dani learned from Seraphina. About her destiny to locate the missing stones and harness the unique energy of each realm.

At this revelation, Lucian's face scrunches up in thought. "Holy shit. Those realms aren't just gonna let you waltz in and take their magical rocks." He gives a dry, mirthless chuckle. "This ain't gonna be no pleasure cruise, that's for damn sure. Every world's gonna have its fair share of challenges and villainous ass-clowns to deal with."

I nod, jaw set. "I fucking know. It'll be no picnic. But we've got to do this for the sake of every living being across all realms. And to stop that evil bastard Mortemis from sowing any more chaos and destruction."

Lucian holds my gaze steadily, clear resolve reflecting in his eyes. "You know I'll support you and Dani in any way I can. I'll gather whatever resources and allies we need to get this insane mission done."

I clasp his shoulder firmly, sincerely grateful for his steadfast loyalty after all these years. Having Lucian's considerable power and mastery of persuasion on our side will be crucial.