Page 69 of Throttle

Brass doesn’t have to worry. He’s been proving himself just fine and if he keeps it up, he’ll be in by spring. But I like to see him sweat a bit.

Forgetting about the patch, he turns angry, taking a challenging step to me. “Why the fuck you have your girl staying at a place like that dump?”

My jealousy swirls at the bottom of my stomach. Even though I put him on Tequila to make sure she stays out of trouble, hearing him talk about her like she’s his concern, has me feeling a type of way I don’t like.

“Watch it, prospect,” I threaten, taking my step toward him.

“Fuck that. If she were my girl—”

My girl. Those words immediately piss me off.

“She’s not your girl which makes it none of your goddamn business. You follow her and make sure she’s safe. That’s your fucking job, prospect, and don’t forget it.”

“Exactly. Making sure she’s safe. And she’s fucking not safe living in a shit hole place like that. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

I fist the front of his leather, throwing him back against the wall. “What’s the matter? Got a thing for my woman. Might want to rethink that.”

I swear the corner of his mouth twitches. For what?

We’re the same height, but he’s got more muscle than I do. Doesn’t mean I can’t handle him.

Both our nostrils flare like raging bulls.

“You’re lucky I’m a prospect because you’d be rethinking about putting your hands on me, brother.” His threatening words do nothing to scare me, it just makes me want to break his neck more.

I unclench his leather, not wanting to have to answer to Chain tonight and why I squashed his new guy like a bug. “I’m working on it. You just worry about what you’ve been ordered to do or good luck patching in.” I turn, leaving him behind before I do something stupid.

“She deserves better. She’s a sweet girl. Don’t be a fucking dick.”

I stop, squeezing my fists at my sides. “That’s why me and her will never happen.” I palm open the back door, heading for the shop.



I've avoided Throttle by using every trick in the book for the past two days. Though I think he was avoiding me as much as I avoided him.

Every shift I had at the bar, he was MIA. Brass took over escorting me to my car at night. Whenever I went to the gym to exercise with Angel, I never bumped into him. No passing each other at the bike shop. No pit. No club. Even with the stab to the chest, I can't help but admit I miss him. It's odd to break the habit of talking to him every day. But I have the right to be angry and confused. We’re in a weird place and only time will tell.

It's unbelievable that everything unfolded because of our lack of self-control. I should have turned down that kiss. And choosing silence as punishment can be cruel, yet possibly necessary.

Working out at Tank's gym seemed ideal. Since it's late, I didn't expect to see anyone. Especially Throttle. Throughout my entire workout, I was by myself. Except now as I sling my bag over my shoulder to leave, he and Tank were moving this way on the sidewalk.

I never expected to lose my best friend over one night. One incredible night. Let me tell you, it hurts.

In front of the gym, I'm frozen, not due to the weather. My heart is in my throat when Throttle passes, and we lock eyes. I try to pull away, but there’s an invisible magnet. A strange sadness is lingering over him, making it impossible for me to avert my gaze away. Was he hurting because of us?

Tank slips his weapon into his waistband while they both come to a halt at their Harleys. I wouldn't worry if they didn't appear to be avoiding attention. I can't stand the jobs that they decide to take on. It was always too risky.

“Hey sweetheart. You headed out?” Brass catches me off guard and I flinch. He's glued to me, and it’s sometimes suffocating.

“I guess it’ll be silly to ask if you'll be joining me, right?”

He shrugs. “You know the drill. Part of the job.”

“Fine. Let’s get going.” I sigh as he guides me to my car with his imposing figure.

“Mind filling me in on what Tank and Throttle are up to. They’re both acting conspicuous.”