“Dad. Why are people so mean?”
He sighs with a tired smile. “Some people are going through more than we will ever know and others… well, others are born with evil buried deep inside them. The devil works in mysterious ways, and we can’t control who he picks.” He unclasps the cross chain he has worn since I could remember and hooks it around my neck. “I want you to always wear this. Never take it off, son. It will guide and protect you.”
I hold the gold cross in the palm of my hand. I’d like to believe him, that wearing this will keep me safe. But how can something we can’t see ward off the bad?
He knows my doubt. “It’s called faith son.” My dad gets up, the swing springing to one side.
“Dad. Can I ask you another question?”
He stops, grasping the door frame. “Yeah, son. What is it?”
“Do I disappoint you?”
He winces, eyes seeming sad. “No, Levi. You will never disappoint me.”
When he goes back inside, I kick my legs smiling.
That makes me happy.
Too bad that wasn’t true.
The porch light flicks on, and the front door swings open. There’s a brief second mine and my dad’s eyes lock before I take off.
The first time seeing him since I was eighteen and it stings.
It’s dark, but with the small light casting on his face, I can see he looks similar, only greyer.
Glancing back in my side mirror, he stands there, hands in pockets, watching me.
Tonight, was the last time I’ll be reliving my childhood. It’s all a distant memory now.
When I get back to the clubhouse, I avoid the bar. In fact, I avoid it all. Bar, hang-arounds, everything.
Walking toward the back, Bullet pulls me aside. “Got your tracker.” He hands me the small device and I slip it into my vest pocket.
“Thanks, brother.”
“When are you planning for this to go down?”
“Not sure. Probably give it a few days for it to cool down after what happened.”
“That’s not a bad idea. You tell Chain?”
I shake my head. “No.”
Was it wrong going behind our President’s back? Hell yeah. The repercussions won’t be good.
“Like I said. My name stays out of your mouths. I’m VP for Christ’s sake. Chain will take my patch and shove it down my throat.”
“You got it, man. I appreciate this.”
We don’t need anyone else finding out which is why I shut my mouth when Brass approaches.
“Right. Well, I’m taking off, it’s past my bedtime.” Bullet shoulder claps me. “Prospect.” He nods.
“Damn I can’t wait to patch in.”
“What makes you so sure you will?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. There’s a hint of concern from him and that was enough satisfaction.