Page 52 of Throttle

“We're en route to see you! Surprise!”

My cell crashes to the floor. My heart pounds as it tries to escape my chest, and I want to throw up into my potted plant next to my awful sofa. I knew they were planning to visit me, but I didn’t think they’d be on their way. Today.

“Ow, what was that?”

“Nothing,” I state as I reposition my phone. “When you say en route, you mean right now?”

“Yes. Driving and singing along to Bruce Springstein as we speak.” She blurts out a chorus.

“Mom. Focus,” I snap.

“We’re so excited! We put in the address you gave us on your Christmas card.”

Oh, how grand? I always knew that using Charger and Jules's house would have consequences. I had to give them something, and the only number I could come up with was theirs. Ultimately, they are the only ones with an actual home I’ve seen. Chain and Maggie stay at the clubhouse. I could have used Venom and Angel’s. Though, living out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods… they would freak.

“Mom. You didn’t consider giving me notice? I told you I was busy with school and work. You guys cannot come here. Please just—”

“Nonsense. We can’t turn around now, and Andrew is tagging along. He misses his sister. See you soon.” She hangs up too quickly. Something she loves to do before I can protest.

A chilled sweat breaks out.

I waste no time calling Jules, and I’m happy she answers.

“Hey, girl.”

“You haven't forgotten how much you adore and cherish me, have you?”

“Well, right now, I’m skeptical.”

“I may have told my parents that your address is mine, and they're on their way.” It sounds silly.

“Okayyy,” she draws out the word and I release the breath I’ve been holding and breaks from our conversation to say something to Chloe, who’s crying in the background. “Sorry. Babes was having a meltdown. So why is this?”

“Their understanding is that I live there. In your home.”

Amid silence, my heart thumps loudly in my ears.

“And why is that?”

“Please ask no more questions. I just wanted to apologize in advance for the situation where they show up at your house unexpectedly.”

I realize I have two options; admit I lied or pretend it’s my place. I'm still unsure which one to choose. I think I could keep the lie for a couple of days. Although, they may get suspicious of why Jules and her family are shacked up there with toys and a swing set chilling in the backyard.

What a chaotic situation this has become. I should have been honest with them from the beginning.

“Look, I love you, girl, but you’re going to have to tell them.”

My heart warms because she doesn’t push the subject, but I’m positive she’ll find out why sooner rather than later, considering Throttle now knows.

“I will. I promise. But it’s kind of complicated and they’re five hours away. I’ll be there.”

Once again, I apologize and end the call. I need to stop making my life so difficult before my head explodes.



My family's sudden arrival was overwhelming. It didn't sit right to know I deceived them. Nausea consumes me, ready to burst out and explode. Which is why I gave in and admitted that I didn't live with Jules and Charger. They appeared both hurt and confused.