Page 50 of Throttle

Throttle may be only a couple inches taller, but my money’s on him. His expression is darkness.

“I think she heard me, man.” Jasper sneers, blowing smoke.

“Oh, I know she heard you.” Throttle closes what brief gap was between them. “But I want you to say it again.” The grind of his teeth causes his jaw to flex.

Time passes as Jasper and I lock eyes, leaving his friend unsure of what to do.

“I said… that fine little bitch needs to let me jam my cock inside her filthy cunt.”

Nausea breaks through the depths of my stomach, swirling uncontrollably.

I’m disgusted and mortified.

Throttle seizes Jasper by the throat and forcefully pushes him against the wall. Choking noises are heard from him as he desperately tries to break free from Throttle's powerful hold. Why did this perv choose today?

“Talking to her that way was a huge mistake.” My best friend’s voice sends shivers over my spine and there’s nothing in his eyes except black and utter coldness. “If I find out, you came near her. Breathed in her direction. You’ll be spending the rest of your pitiful life sipping through a straw.” Throttle releases him and Jasper coughs out a deafening choke, nearly falling to the floor. An unexpected feeling of satisfaction overwhelms me.

“Come on, let’s go.” Throttle grabs my hand, leading the way. Good, because the hall spins like a carousel.

Once we're outside, he twirls me around so that I'm facing him. “Was he the one who laid hands on you? And don’t lie to me, Tequila, because I’m in no mood.”

I consider denying it, but it's pointless. “Yeah. But I handled it.”

My dear Throttle is putting up a fierce fight to resist the tempting urge to rush back in. His fists are closed with his chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. And I’m convinced he’s breathing fire.

“Is that right? From where I was standing, didn’t appear you handled anything.” He sighs and his heated breath wraps around me. “You’re for sure getting a protection detail to follow your every move, and you won’t fight me on this one.”

I nod, remembering when Jasper touched me. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a miserable idea.

“And Tequila.” I beam up at him. “You better tell me if that fucker bothers you again. If he touches you. Looks at you. I need to know. Understood?” Throttle's eyes give away his intended plans, and my belly flutters in nerves.

“Got it,” I murmur, bowing my head. The embarrassment is seeping out of me like an infected wound.

With his finger, he lifts my chin and tilts my face up, our stares locking. “I will slaughter anyone who harms you.”

That's what I fear. When he says “kill” he means it.

“Please don’t say that. I’d rather you not go to prison for me. Or get hurt.”

“Think I give a shit?” A gust of wind tears through and ruffles his soft hair. He surveys our surroundings, and we both realize that we're standing in the open parking lot, completely exposed and easy targets. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close as we walk toward his truck.

As we drive away, my building fades into the distance. Despite the betrayal of going behind my back and showing up, I enjoyed having him at my apartment. I found it to be a source of solace. And for that one night, it was worry free to be honest and having my secret out was a relief.

My heart squeezes as I analyze Throttle's good-looking profile. How nice it would be to always have him around.



I ensured Tequila's safe return to her apartment after our breakfast. Specifically, from the assholes lurking in her hall. To my utter astonishment, Jasper was nowhere to be found. Tequila doesn't know that I've chosen to go back for him. Nevertheless, I believe she had an inkling. I was determined to hold him accountable for the bruises he inflicted on her.

Fuck that. The end of my fist and my weapon's barrel will be his last sight.

“I need to put a tail on Tequila.”

With a raised brow, Chain studies me from behind his desk. “And why is that?”

“She was keeping where she lived a secret and it’s not good, Prez. She lives in the center of a drug ring. Her apartment isn’t safe.”