Well, shit. It's possible that it’s mine too.
We gather our belongings and make our small journey back to our cars. I met him here to keep my living location hidden. How embarrassing would that be? Being picked up by a wealthy person in a silver Porsche. The car never making it out of there without getting stripped or stolen.
It's tiring to hide this secret from everyone. But I’ve been skilled at it this long. No way am I giving up now.
Caleb carries our lunch leftovers and places them in his trunk then approaches me, cradling my hands. It’s odd yet nice. Too chivalrous.
I'm complaining about him being polite and charming instead of being a pig. What is wrong with me?
“Hazel Delgado, you are remarkable. Drive safe.” He pulls my hand to his lips, kissing the back of it, and walks to his car. As he drives away, I watch in shock, wishing someone could give me that pinch.
“Who the fuck is Caleb?” Throttle asks, pausing with a beer.
Angel looks at me, then redirects her attention to Throttle, who, I must admit, appears quite flustered with that scowl on his face. I hadn't mentioned Caleb before, and I never intended to unless we became something. We had one date. We're not exactly mailing wedding invites.
“Oh, just some guy who is Mr. Perfect with a side of perfect,” Angel answers.
Throttle locks his gaze on me, and I retaliate by shooting a menacing glare at Angel.
I flick off the beer cap and send it sliding down the bar to Tank. “It’s not a big deal. We had one date, and I’m not even sure I’ll see him again.”
“What. Why? He made you a picnic in the park. Throw him a bone, at least. Give him a blow job. Flash him the tits. The guy tried his absolute best to impress you, and he nailed it.”
Throttle chokes on his drink.
“Uh, not doing that. I don’t put out.”
“I was kidding. You’re no fun. That’s third date material.” Angel laughs and Throttle pushes away from the bar.
“I’m out.” His tall frame stalks toward the pool tables and I watch as a woman throws her arms around his neck, and he lets her. It's always the large busty one. You’d assume it becomes less difficult to see him with other women. But it doesn’t. The sting is the same every time.
“So, are you seeing him again?” Angel leans forward, a smile on her face.
I sigh. “I accidentally told him yes.”
“Accidentally? I believe your lady parts screamed it.” I wish that were the case. “But jokes aside, he seems like a nice guy, T.”
He was—he is.
I find myself entranced by my best friend. Inked, mysterious, and risky. My longing for him has grown stronger. I want excitement, adventure, and he’s standing there, biting the neck of a blonde woman who wasn’t me.
As he moves down her back, his muscles flex and he grabs her butt. Each black and white tattoo that trails his arms is begging to be licked and admired.
I am in a deep situation.
Although Caleb was nice, I wasn't interested in niceness. I want Throttle. Kind, but also hard. And boy, was that foolish.
In the club, time flies as many guys are drunk during another late night. Tank and Throttle were known for always having girls on their laps, but their new prospect didn't mind getting cozy either. I think I saw him stumble upstairs with a hang-around in his arms.
We haven't spoken since I drowned my emotions in alcohol and straddled his lap. Regardless, he hasn't even given me a single glance. I made a bigger fool of myself than I realized.
I can't remember the last time I had sex. I should start using a calendar, but did I really need a reminder of my failures?
Probably not.
I decide to restock early with only an hour left in my shift. My goal was to finish everything as fast as possible and then leave. Witnessing Throttle bringing a woman upstairs was not something I wish to see. My heart can only take so much.
Making sure nobody needed anything, I strut off toward the back where the extra liquor is kept. I find the bottle I need and extend my arm to grab it. I’m not super short, but I’m not tall either. With one hand, I grip the middle shelf and stretch upward to the top.