I can't keep control as the van quickly drives away.
Brass calls my name.
I cannot steer. I'm losing my hold.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I descend, the noise of metal against the road. There's a guardrail heading toward me at high speed. Rather, I am the one going toward it. But I can’t stop. It’s like my leg is being engulfed in flames. Before I know it, that same guardrail is right there, and with a jolt of pain, everything goes black.
This is not happening. Not today. Never.
I won't allow anyone to take him away from me.
I can't stop trembling, even though I want to. Ever since Angel called me about the accident, I haven't been able to quit. I knew without asking who it was. I was certain it was Throttle, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life.
I burst through the elevator doors of the hospital, only stopping once I notice everyone in the waiting room. Angel, Maggie, and the rest of the guys.
Maggie is being hugged by Chain. Tank is restless and pacing. Charger has Jules plastered to his side with Chloe coloring in her books on the table. Bullet and Brass are engaged in a discussion. Hush is leaning forward, with his veiny forearms resting on his knees and regular folks are casting curious and wary looks.
“Where is he? What happened? Someone better tell me something!”
Angel approaches, placing her hands on my shoulders. “He’s fine. Throttle's fine. Only banged up.”
“I have to see him.”
“The doctors won’t let us in yet. They said he needs to rest and—”
“Yeah, I don’t think so.” I make my way over to the nurse’s station. “I need a room number for Levi Miller, please.”
No one pays attention to me. The nurse, with her long fake eyelashes, sighs as if I'm inconveniencing her. “Give me a second, honey.” She goes back to the never-ending conversation she’s having with the other nurses.
I drum my nails on the counter. Most of the time, I am a friendly person with incredible patience. Levelheaded, I suppose. But there’s something burning inside me, ready to ignite.
Okay, that’s it.
“Look, lady. I realize you’re super busy. Because damn, you seem to be, and I bet that story is really invigorating. But I must see my friend immediately. Please.”
She sighs. “What was his name again?”
I sprint down the hallway, scanning the room numbers until I locate him. Once I do, I focus on taking slow and deep breaths. He doesn’t need an irate me bursting in and upsetting him more.
As I enter, a wave of relief floods over me. He is all right.
I'm on the verge of tears, but I keep myself composed.
With nervousness, I watch as he carefully lowers both legs off the edge of the bed. “Throttle.”
“Hey, babe. Mind helping me out of here? Kind of want to go home.”
There are open scrapes, bandages on parts of his skin, and a road rash on his left arm.
“You idiot!” I lightly strike his chest. “I’m so mad at you.”