No. Dammit.
“I’m saying you’re hot as fuck. Stunning. And you’re going to attract the wrong crowd.” This was not how I planned on this going.
I can't stand the way she's staring at me with disgust.
“Thank you for that backwards compliment, but I am not your ol’ lady, Throttle. You do not decide what’s okay for me to wear. And even if I were, you still get zero say in it.” She shoves her finger at my chest, but I grab hold of it, wrapping her tiny digit in the palm of my hand.
She gasps and her eyes widen in shock. If I were her man, I wouldn’t have an opinion what she wears. Ha, laughable. I would never let her stay dressed like that if she belonged to me, because I can't tolerate men staring at her. The curvaceous silhouette of her body, with ample breasts and a shapely ass. Nope, not happening. Although, if she were mine, no one would dare look in her direction.
I also wish I’d stop with the dirty fucking thoughts.
She tears herself away and stomps back inside. “You’re being ridiculous,” she yells over her shoulder.
I’ve gone mental.
With a frustrated expression, I rub my face and let out a loud sigh, thankful that there are no other people around to see me be a jerk.
I am behaving like a possessive asshole because of her.
How dare he. He’s being a big oaf. I can wear whatever I want, dammit. Even though I hate this stupid dress! And these clumsy heels that almost make me take a nosedive to the ground.
Dumb things!
I snatch the liquor bottle from behind the bar and pour a straight glass, downing it all in one gulp. I start gagging and leaning forward to suppress my coughing fit, reminded of how much alcohol burns.
This shit is awful.
The other bartender gives me a concerned look. I’m not okay, and so what?
“Woah, babe. That’s some powerful stuff. Why don’t you slow down?” Tank pats a firm hand on my back.
Disregarding the unpleasantness, I pour another and gulp it down. “Nope, not tonight, Tank. Tonight, I’m doing this big.” I sounded dramatic. But Throttle is being so… so… him.
“All right. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
I’m not sure what that means, nor do I care. By the third or fourth shot of tequila, I can handle it going down. I'm also a bit buzzed. Like, the place is spinning already, buzzed.
I head to the modern jukebox and choose a song by Loote, dancing as if I'm at Club Beat. I swing my hips from side to side, the room swaying as I close my eyes. When someone presses their warm, powerful body against my back and wraps their arms around my waist, it brings a smile to my face. I envision Throttle as the embodiment of my hopes and dreams. He's here to ask for forgiveness in his usual flirty and lovable manner. But I know it’s not him. I could tell without looking. I can recognize how he feels, the way he smells. If Biker Dude was a fragrance for a male soap, Throttle would be the spokesperson.
“You look lonely,” the husky voice sends chills down my back.
I glance sideways and realize it's our new prospect. Knowing that Throttle doesn't like him from earlier makes this even more enjoyable. I don't engage in childish games, but I'm intoxicated and upset. Plus, he isn’t gross to stare at.
I run my fingers along his tattooed arms and grin. “Are you going to keep me company?” I wonder if that sounded coherent or not.
“If that’s what you want, beautiful. I am all yours.” He embraces me more firmly, and excitement flutters in my stomach.
I twirl and still in his embrace, guide us toward a chair next to the billiard table. Tank raises an eyebrow while I position Brass on the seat and straddle him. I'm conscious of my revealing outfit as the chilly breeze lands on my girly parts. When did I become so carefree? Oh right, when Throttle made me angry.
Before striking the pool ball, Hush takes a momentary pause. Why does everyone seem concerned? Can’t a girl have a little fun?
I grind on the prospect’s lap, his hard length growing by the second. With his hands around my waist, he pulls me in closer by my hips. I’ve never been so non shy in my life, especially in front of the guys.
Was all this just to get a rise out of Throttle? Am I that desperate?
Tonight, I suppose I am. Tonight I am Tequila without a care.