“You’re so sexy.” Caleb’s whisper pricks my skin.
Blushing, I get a surge of confidence. In an instant, I'm transported back to my teenage years. I move my booty into him and grind to the rhythm, reaching my arms up above, wrapping them around his powerful neck.
He runs his hands over my body, tracing every curve. I'm not prepared for what he does next. He slips a finger up the hem of my dress, and I tense.
I ensure Venom and Angel aren't watching because Venom would pull me off the floor. As the crowd obstructs our path, I shift in his embrace, now facing him, and interlock my wrists behind his neck.
When he leans in closer, I swear he inhales, sniffing my hair. “Mmm, you smell like roses.” He pulls me tighter.
But… roses. Our little rendezvous ends.
“Is everything okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, everything’s fine, but I think I’m going to go find my friend.” I step away, planning a quick exit.
Softly, he takes my arm. “Hey don’t leave yet. At least not before I had the chance to get your number.”
I pause at the skin-on-skin contact. I wish it affected me more. His touch. I want it to electrify me. But there’s nothing.
With a smile, I enter my digits into his phone because there’s no harm in that. I look for any red flags in his contacts. Maybe a bulk of women’s names, but zilch.
“It was nice meeting you. Thanks for the drink.” I scurry through the crowd, searching for Angel. Finding both her and Venom, I head their way.
Venom pushes away from the wall. “You good?” Eager to pounce and bite, he looks over my shoulder.
I nod.
“Down boy. Of course, she’s good. She was dancing with a delicious man and enjoying herself.”
“Watch it, woman.” Venom teases.
“I’ll admit, I had fun, but I’m ready to go.” I wrap my arms around my middle, securing myself.
“Okay, sure.” Angel rubs my arm in comfort. Was I this lovesick?
The moment we step outside, the brisk air sends a chill through me.
"I wish you had picked a cute jacket for this," I say to Angel. The dress leaves nothing to the imagination and I’m positive my nipples are on display from the lack of material.
“Or actual fucking clothes. The both of you.” Venom shoots an angry glare toward his ol’ lady.
“Hey. I was trying to distract our girl and take her mind off her lover boy with messy hair and a hang-around permanently attached to his dick.”
“Great. He knows too.” I was looking for that hole to fall into.
Venom's empathic smile screams, I’m hopeless.
After Angel and Venom lock lips in a heartfelt goodbye, we jump into her Camaro. “So, tell me about Mr. Hottie. You two looked like you were grinding pretty well together.”
“He asked for my number. I have my doubts that he will call or text, and even if he does… I don’t think I’ll answer.”
The sound of Angel snorting and the blinker clicking fills the air as we turn down a side road. “And excuse me when I ask… why the fuck not?”
Yes, Tequila. Why not? Good question.
“Well… I’m just not sure it’s a great idea. I don’t know him.”
“No shit, girl. No one knows anyone when they first meet someone. That’s why they call it dating.”