His hands trail over every inch of me. Up, down, on my waist. The warmth from his touch, from his body, is like a blanket that I want to curl up in. He breaks our connection, both of us breathless. I stare at his red, swollen lips, and he stares at mine. I lift a finger to my mouth, feeling the leftover burn from his subtle facial hair.
I’m still holding on to his shirt for dear life, but he peels my grip away, lifting the hem up and over his head. His amazing, smooth, bare, tattooed chest is staring back at me. He drops his shirt and again closes the gap he put between us, capturing my face with his hands. It’s such a gentle and romantic gesture, and my heart beats faster.
My skin tingles as he slides his hands down my shoulders, then over my arms, stopping at the bottom of my tank top. He’s violent, yet so kind and caring. He peers up at me, asking for permission to strip it off. I give my consent to this man, anything he wants to do to me. But he’s treating me like I’ll break and shatter. Knowing and feeling my pain, he wants to make sure I’m okay. Make sure I’m safe.
I give him a small nod, raising my arms, and he lifts my tank top over my head. My breasts are left on display, and he leans in softly, so kindheartedly kissing my neck. And I moan in response, biting my lip and drawing blood.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” I lose any ability to speak. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, Angel. Sure, men have commented on my looks before. But not like that. The words never came from deep within their soul. When Venom tells me I’m beautiful, he means it. I feel it.
I reach behind my back, unhooking my bra and shrugging it off and onto the floor. He groans, tracing along every part of me and…
I love it.
I want it.
I welcome it.
He captures my breast in his hand, gently sucking on my hard, aroused nipple. I lean back, gripping a fistful of his dark locks while arching my spine. He props his free hand on the side of me, as if he’s holding up the wall for the both of us. It takes seconds for me to relinquish the rest of my clothes and stand in nothing but panties. My skin burns with desire. I’ve never been hungrier for anyone.
I want him. Need him.
He kisses me again, slaying my mouth, and I run my fingers along his head, losing them in his soft hair. Our hands are all over each other’s bodies, like we can’t get enough. It’s as if we can’t satisfy this hunger.
Our breaths share the same space, but he steps back and removes his remaining clothes. He has no idea how beautiful he is. He sees this ugly snake, but that’s not what I see. Not anymore. And not just because he is physically attractive. It’s because I know he would never hurt me. I see the hidden good inside him.
He grabs on to my waist with both hands, jerking me hard to his chest before feeding on my neck. He maneuvers a palm back, to latch on to my ass cheek. And I squirm, trying to get closer.
Yearning for the contact.
“If we do this, there’s no going back. You have to be sure you want this. Do you want this, Angel?” Small breaths leave my parted lips. I’ve never wanted anyone or anything before. Not ever, not like I want him. But… what would this mean for us? We’re both so broken. I’m trapped in this other world I can’t escape. No matter how hard I try, I can never escape.
My emotions swirl rapidly, causing the room to spin. “I have rules,” I whisper. “You can’t fall in love with me.” His brows press together in confusion, studying me. But I have to keep my own rules. They help me. It’s an obsession. Tears escape my eyes, and my chest aches. He swipes a fallen tear away, using the pad of his thumb, letting it linger, then he cups my cheek.
“Sorry, peach, seems like it’s a little too late for that.”
My heart skips, and my stomach sinks, taking all the blood with it. “W-what?” My shaky voice is unrecognizable. How can he love me? Me? He can’t love me. I’m not someone who deserves to be loved like this.
He caresses my face in such a tender way. I press against his palms. To feel more. “You don’t have to be strong anymore. This wall you built to protect yourself. You don’t have to do it anymore. Let me be strong for you. Let me protect you from all you fear. From all your weaknesses. I can be strong for the both of us.”
I can’t control it. I can’t stop it. The shudder my body emits as the tears pour down faster and faster. Before I know it, they’re like a fountain, and my shoulders tremble uncontrollably. I feel myself sinking—sinking farther down. My legs, they feel like jelly, and I’m seconds away from falling to my knees. The sobs are embarrassingly present, and my vision turns blurry.
Just as I’m about to disappear into the metaphorical quicksand, strong arms catch me. They catch my collapsing frame, and I’m being lifted from the floor. I’m pressed into Venom’s hard chest. My heart stops beating as his arms hold me close, cradling me. My cheek smashes into his smoothness, and I let the vibration of his beating heart take me away. He walks with me to the bed, while I ugly cry. When he sits down, he drapes me across his lap and rocks me like I rocked him, his chest drenched with my tears.
“Shh it’s okay. I won’t let you fall. You hear me? I won’t let you fall. Let me be your strength. Let me take it all away. I will take your pain away.”
My stomach, my mind, my heart are all doing somersaults in his arms. And I feel myself letting go, the fear being banished from my body with the pressure of his embrace. Everything I’ve had buried so deeply inside seems to dissipate because of this man. He’s saving me, and he doesn’t even know it.
He kisses my forehead. Something I didn’t think someone like him was capable of. Someone who I didn’t think was able to offer such love is loving me with everything he has right now. I lock my wrists tighter around his neck, and he pulls me closer, one arm trapping my back and the other rubbing my bare leg.
When I finally stop sobbing, I straighten in his embrace, and we stare into each other’s eyes for what I swear is forever.
“I’m not the white knight in your fairy tale—I’m the villain. But I promise I will never hurt you.” His voice is husky. Deep.
I don’t need a knight. Or a fairy-tale ending. “And I’m not the princess who needs your rescuing.”
He lowers his head and captures my mouth again. I run my fingers through his hair as he holds me with such authority, pulling me up and over his lap so I straddle him. Never once breaking the deep, desire-driven kiss. He rubs my back with love, compassion, and we kiss like it’s going to be our last. I’m soaked. Rubbing. Grinding on his stone length. It sends an undeniable pleasure through me every time we make contact.
Slowly and seductively, he drifts down my back until he finds my panties, snatching them off to the side. I whimper and cry out when he slips two fingers between my wet folds. The entire motel is bound to hear, but I can’t control it. He goes in deeper, and I tilt my head back, gripping tightly on his shoulders, moaning with an intense pleasure I’ll always crave from him.