Trixie Dust
Vanessa smiled as she looked at her phone. Jack didn’t text, he was too reserved for that but here he was sending her cute little messages.
Jack: Miss u already.
Vanessa: Miss u, too!
Jack: Miss the way that sexy ass of yours feels in my hands.
Vanessa: lol. Calm down lover boy. I may just let you grab it later if you ask nicely.
Jack: I don’t have to ask permission to touch what’s mine.
Heat rose inside her.
Michelle made a gagging noise as she sat across from Vanessa at the café. Jack had to go back to work, even though Vanessa wished that they could just lay with each other another day. He had business to take care of, a business that she was more comfortable with, after knowing all his secrets.
“Can you not sext your boyfriend while I’m sitting right here?”
“I’m not sexting Jack. Thank you very much. What are we, in high school?”
Michelle laughed. “I still can’t believe Doug didn’t even try anything with you that night.”
“You say it like you’re disappointed.”
“Ew, hardly… girl, I’m ecstatic that you and Jack are finally together, because damn V. We couldn’t take it anymore,” Michelle gave her a cheerful smile. “We actually started a bet on how fucking long it was going to take for you two. Me, Jazz, and Owen. I won of course because who knows you the most, other than your bestie?”
Vanessa gave Michelle a hard expression. “I’m so glad that my love life can amuse you all, really.”
Michelle shrugged and drank her coffee. Vanessa’s phone buzzed on the table, thinking it was Jack.
Doug: Hey, I haven’t talked to u since the night of the party. Is everything okay?
“Who’s that, your lover boy?” Michelle asked in a joking manner.
“No, Doug.”
Michelle gave her a look, the look. “Tell him to get lost Vanessa, seriously.” Another buzz went off.
Doug: Dinner date this week?
“What? I know, I just…”
Michelle leaned on the table. “You just what? You have a great thing going with Jack, why screw that up? Doug is your past, not your future.”
“I hate it when you get all philosophical on me.”
“You love it,” she blew Vanessa an air kiss.
“I just hate hurting people.”
“He’ll get over it, V.”
Vanessa decided to take Michelle’s advice. She didn’t want to hurt him, but he had to know it wasn’t more than just friends. Old exes revisiting each other, rediscovering a friendship.
Vanessa: I’m sorry Doug, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. I thought we could be just friends but maybe we can’t. Take care.