“Sorry!” She immediately grabbed onto him again and Jack shook his head and smiled, so did she. She rested her cheek on his back as she watched the water buzz by them. She had never felt so free.
As soon as they reached wherever it was Jack was taking them, he parked his ride and killed the engine. He sat there for a minute as he looked out over the edge, hand placed on his thigh. “Wow, the view is amazing. I don’t ever want to leave.”
He grabbed her hand and held it in his. “We don’t have to. Not for the rest of the evening at least.” He stood and pulled her up. “C’mon, let’s get closer.”
They sat on the edge of a rock while their legs dangled. Jack held Vanessa to his chest, and she rested her head on him, behind her. The water was so peaceful. The small ripples from the wind, the birds flying overhead.
“There is something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Vanessa turned a little just enough to see the side of his face. “What was Hector talking to you about at the party?”
“He was telling me about how he thought of you like a son… Jack, I had no idea you guys were that close. I mean, all this time I thought he was just a pig-headed jerk.”
“I wouldn’t completely rule it out Vanessa,” he said, amusement in his voice. “But yes, Hector has known me since I was young. He was there for me when my uncle passed. But it doesn’t mean he doesn’t put business first.” She turned facing the water again.
“Fair enough, but I suppose me and him reached an understanding. He also told me he wanted you to get your head out of your ass.”
He let out a laugh behind her. “Sounds about right. It took me long enough and I’m sorry for that, but I am all in babe. I don’t care about all that shit anymore. I just want it to be us, me and you, together.” He turned Vanessa around in his arms and kissed her. Her heart was thumping out of her chest.
“I want that, too, but can I ask you something?” When he didn’t protest, she went on. “What’s going on between you and Trixie?”
“Nothing,” his answer was fast. “I promise you Vanessa, there is nothing between us. Yes, we were sleeping with each other, but we haven’t since I met you. She means nothing to me, and we agreed there would be no strings attached.”
“She doesn’t seem to remember that part,” Vanessa sighed. “But you haven’t slept with her since you met me?”
“No, I haven’t,” he held her tighter. “I haven’t wanted anyone since I saw you at the coffee shop.”
She smiled. “I feel the same, there hasn’t been anyone ever who makes me feel the way you do, Jack, and I mean that.”
He kissed the top of her head. “So, what about Doug?”
“He’s just a friend, I swear. I guess… I guess I needed to have that closure, and he was familiar to be around but I don’t have those feelings for him anymore. I honestly don’t think I ever did.”
“You know I wanna break his jaw, right?” Jack said with truth behind every word.
“I know.” She patted his arm. “That’s why I love you,” her heart stopped, at least it felt like it did. “Wait, Jack, that’s not what I meant… I meant…”
“I love you, too, Vanessa,” he turned her around again and she looked up at his smiling face. The man in front of her, the man with the snake tattoo, the dark past, the man who screams run the other way. The man that made her stomach turn to mush with one smile, the man who could turn her world upside down. This man, this man was the one she loved.
He captured both sides of her face and planted his lips on hers. He found her tongue with his. Fire burning through her as always and no one could put it out, not even the man who started it.
* * *
They pulled up to his penthouse after the sun went down and they walked hand in hand inside. She felt like she was in the movies. Sitting down on the couch with wine and whiskey, Jack put his arm around her shoulder.
“There’s something I should probably tell you,” Vanessa played with a strand of her hair and he raised his eyebrow. “The night of the party, I found roses outside my apartment door. It was from him.”
Jack sat up with a stern look. “Fuck, Vanessa… and?”
“And nothing, just the same old story with the same kind of letter.”
“We’ll get this asshole. I promise but I wish you would have told me.”
She snuggled in closer to him. “I know,” she set her glass down and turned to straddle him. Her legs were now on both sides of Jack’s thighs. He cupped her ass with his hands and kissed her neck. She threaded her fingers through his hair and leaned back. He took her shirt and pulled it off her, leaving her in nothing but her lace bra. He rubbed his hands down her back while kissing her breasts. Then he unhooked her bra and ran his thumb over her bare nipples. The sensation shot through her.
“I love it when you touch me like that.”
“And I love touching you like this.”
She pulled his shirt off over him and took him in. She could never get sick of that sight. Her turn, she kissed his bare chest and licked his nipple. She came back up and played with his eyebrow piercing with her tongue.
“I never thought this could be sexy on a man, until I saw you with it,” she played with it some more.
“Fuck,” Jack let out a growl.
While still in a straddled position, Vanessa started moving on his hard erection. The fabric of their jeans causing friction. In one big motion, Jack was off the couch and Vanessa’s legs were wrapped around his waist. His hands cupped under her ass.
“Let’s go upstairs to our bedroom babe.”
She smiled at the thought of sharing his bedroom, his home. She wanted to stay here with him and never leave. She loved this man entirely.