Page 56 of Dance for Me

“A woman like me?” Vanessa eyed him behind her glass.

“Forgive me, I meant a woman as beautiful as you.”

“I see, well thank you for the compliment but I guess I just came over here to clear my head.” She didn’t mean to sound so bitchy but at this point she was tired of the men population.

“Well, if I was your date, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight,” he took a step closer and placed his hand on her lower back. Which made her a bit uncomfortable. “If you want, I can make you forget whatever it is that upset you,” he gave her a sly grin.

Vanessa took a step away. “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

“Aww come on, I bet we can have some fun together…”

“I don’t think the lady is interested.” They both turned to see Hector standing there and Vanessa’s stomach suddenly felt queasy, but thankful for the save.

“And you are?”

Hector took a step toward the man. “Someone who can make your life a living hell,” he viciously smiled and drank his scotch.

Vanessa watched as the man ran off with his tail between his legs. Hector stood there with her waiting for her to say something.

“If you’re waiting for a thanks, you’re going to be waiting a long time,” she turned back to the city view and Hector smiled.

“I like you Vanessa, you have a… a spunk about you, feisty even. I can see why Jack is quite fond of you.” Vanessa gave him a side glance out of surprise. They stood their side by side looking out onto the city lights. Had he talked to Hector about her or was the man that good?

“Yeah, I doubt that,” she took another sip of her chardonnay.

“Then answer me this, my dear, why is he burning a hole through the back of my head right now?”

Vanessa took a slow look Jack’s way and sure enough, he was staring at her and Hector. Even with Trixie attached to him. “Yeah, well. I think you have the wrong idea.”

“Perhaps, but perhaps not,” he let out a sigh. “I’m assuming Jack has told you about me and certain details about our work together.”

“He might have mentioned a little of it.” She didn’t want to give Hector too much information. Wasn’t sure if this man was testing her and didn’t want to put Jack in any kind of danger.

He nodded. “I’ve known Jack since he was a teenager Vanessa. Believe it or not, he is like a son to me. Yes, there are some bad people in our line of work, but I can promise you darling, I’m not one of them, unless you cross me, that is.”

Vanessa let out a snort. “Coulda fooled me,” she took another drink but glanced his way. He was looking out without any kind of expression this time. He sounded sincere. “Okay, so say you are one of the better ones, why are you here telling me this?”

He shrugged, which surprised her. He didn’t seem like one who would shrug. “Just thought I would clear that up. Get rid of any animosity toward each other.” He turned to face her, hand in his pocket. “Also, I did it so Jack can finally take his head out of his ass and get back into the game. He’s been off a little, and I have a feeling it’s because of a certain gorgeous woman,” he smiled. “Have a good rest of your night Vanessa.” He started to walk away.

“Thank you,” Vanessa said to him. Without turning around, Hector nodded, leaving Vanessa alone at the window. Okay, so scary mafia man wasn’t so scary after all. Who would have thought? She peeked at Jack, who was still looking at her. She caught his stare but quickly lost it when she decided to head back to the group.

“V! We thought you got lost in the crowd of hot men,” Michelle winked at her, but Doug looked unhappy. “Owen is talking to the DJ to see if we can get some better dancing music up in this boring ass joint.”

Vanessa smiled, “Sounds good to me.”

After a while being at the party, Vanessa was starting to feel her alcohol. She had a good buzz going and Owen had successfully convinced the DJ to play some early 2000’s rap. As soon as an old school bump and thump song came on, Michelle grabbed Vanessa by the wrist and led her to the middle of the penthouse, which some people were already dancing. Guess the stuffy business party was about to turn into a dance club really quick.

Vanessa threw her hands up in the air and started to sway her hips in a provocative way. On occasion, Michelle would grind against her. After about five minutes, which was all it took, several other guests came up in the same space and joined.

Come to me by Diddy came on and Michelle let out an excited scream. Vanessa caught sight of Jack who seemed to have his eyes glued to her. Without caring, she continued to dance, as if she was dancing for him and only him. She touched her body with her hands and popped her hips a little, turning only to grind against her best friend. She moved to the music and wanted Jack to suffer watching her. She met his eyes again but this time, he went from being seduced and wanting her to a complete dark rage burning inside his eyes. She knew why in about ten seconds because she felt hands being placed on her hips and a man slid up behind her. She glanced up enough to see it was Doug. When she saw it wasn’t a stranger, she took her left arm and swung it around his neck. Grinding her ass into him but keeping her eyes on Jack’s, she saw his look turn into a murderous one.

She slowly lowered herself down in front of Doug, grazing his hard on along the way down. Jack started walking straight for her, probably wanting to rip Doug off her, but Trixie stepped in front of him wrapping both arms around his neck but he didn’t look at her, he just kept his focus on Vanessa.

Vanessa’s jealous rage got the better of her and she turned to face Doug, tracing her fingers down the front of him, stopping just above his somewhat hard on. She looked at Jack again and Trixie was sucking Jack’s neck and Jack smiled maliciously. He started kissing Trixie, taking her mouth with his and Vanessa stopped dead. Looked like their games were finished because Jack had just won. All her fun and innocent tactics to make Jack jealous just wasn’t as fun anymore. She felt like she was going to throw up but Michelle grabbed her arm and led her away from it all. That was why she loved her like a sister, she always had her back.

As she led her off the floor, Vanessa snatched up her clutch from the sofa.

“Thanks Shelly.”