Page 53 of Dance for Me

Every Rose has its Thorn

“You what? Wait, hang on, you and Jack slept together?” Jazz and Michelle practically shouted from the inside of the dressing rooms next to her.

“Yes, and can you two keep your voices down?” Vanessa shimmied into the black cocktail dress as Jazz swung the curtain open. “Jazz! What the hell?” She walked in, followed by Michelle.

“We need details, like now!” Jazz and Michelle piled into the fitting room and drew the curtain closed.

“They’re going to kick us out,” Vanessa gave them both a glare.

Michelle waved a hand at her, ignoring her. “Tell us now, and don’t leave anything out!” Jazz nodded her head in agreement.

“He came home last night and told me that they were close to finding out who my mystery stalker is. I was excited, we had some drinks, played some pool and then… one thing led to another.”

“Hold up, you don’t even play pool,” Michelle bit out.

“That’s what you took from that?” Vanessa was annoyed. “Didn’t you two hear me when I said they were close to catching my stalker?”

Jazz sighed, “Oh, hon. Of course, we’re relieved to hear that. I don’t have any doubt that Jack would be able to find out who the creep is. It’s just, you two sleeping together is huge,” she smiled.

“You two are shameless.”

“Well, it’s not like it matters. I don’t think it’s going to lead to anything anyway. He was pretty clear on that.” Vanessa couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice.

“That’s just Jack being Jack. He’ll come around,” Jazz said and Michelle zipped up Vanessa’s dress from the back.

“Besides, once he sees you in this tonight, he’s gonna go insane.” Michelle smiled at her in the mirror.

“I hope Doug doesn’t get the wrong idea,” Vanessa let out a doubtful laugh and Michelle turned Vanessa around by her shoulders.

“You mean to tell me… you’re still inviting Doug?” Michelle looked at Jazz.

“Yeah, um, I wouldn’t do that. Not only did you sleep with Jack last night, but I’m also pretty sure he hates Doug, but maybe you forgot. So, bringing him to the party tonight, to his own place, where he fucked you,” she shook her head, “off limits.”

“And why the fuck are you still even talking to this man for V? It’s weird, he probably thinks you want more. Put him out of his misery, not that he deserves it, and call it a fucking day.”

“I really don’t see why it’s such a big deal, especially when Trixie is going to be there tonight,” Vanessa couldn’t sound any more bitter while saying that. She saw Jazz’s expression soften.

“Vanessa, it’s not like that with them two and you know it.”

“No? They seem pretty cozy every time I see her around him.”

“They just… they have a thing but it’s not that kind of thing,” Jazz tried to reassure her. The jealously shot through Vanessa like a shard of glass.

“Right, it’s just a kind of thing where they sleep together, am I right?” Jazz didn’t say anything when Vanessa shot the question to her. “Exactly. Now, can someone unzip me so I can change and buy this dress?”

Michelle grinned. “Hell yes! It’s way too hot on you not to buy it.”

The girls left Vanessa’s dressing room at the boutique and Vanessa changed back into her clothes, draping the dress over her arm. She felt her phone buzz from a text.

Jack: You better not be by yourself.

Well that was the first time she heard from him since last night. Considering this morning when she woke up, he was gone. What did she expect, a good morning text with kissing emojis? That wasn’t Jack but after he let her in on all his past secrets, she thought that maybe he would come around and want to be with her for real. When he held her last night and said he just wanted to enjoy the moment that he had with her right then, she got the impression that that was all he wanted with her. Why did he have to be so stubborn? She honestly didn’t give a shit about his past.

Me: With the girls, getting a dress for tonight.

Jack: Make sure they don’t leave your side.

She tucked her phone back into her purse and met the girls up front by the check out. She heard the girls talk about who they were bringing tonight as dates. Jazz was going to be Owen’s plus one and Michelle was bringing the guy she met at the restaurant, Daniel, she thought his name was.