She looked down at another message from Doug.
Doug: Hey, stopped by your place to drop off coffee but you weren’t there.
Vanessa: Yeah, sorry. Long story. Catch you up later.
She turned her phone over, screen facing down on the counter. She did text Jazz, Owen, and Michelle in between to keep them updated. They all couldn’t believe what was happening. Owen, of course, about freaked out when Vanessa told him she was staying at Jack’s place. It was all crazy weird.
Jack walked in wearing a small smile.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” she said back, smiling, too. “So, find anything out?”
“Not really. Videos didn’t show much.” He gripped the edge of the counter with his muscles tensed. “Only thing we saw was Doug dropping you off from that night.”
She nodded, “Right.”
He moved to stand next to her. “I’m sorry about saying that stuff to you that night, about how I accused you for thinking so low of yourself. I don’t think that’s true. I was just upset seeing you with him,” he breathed out. “You are too fucking special to be with someone like him.”
She felt like tears were about to form in her eyes but she quickly fought them back. “It’s actually probably true,” she let out a laugh. “I just wanted to fill this void I thought I had but I think I’m finally starting to see things in a whole new light. And of course, then this happened. Now, I have a stalker. So that’s cool.”
“We’ll get him, they’re going to watch the cameras at the club, too. See if they can see anyone entering the dressing room. But I want you to stay here until we find him. Okay?”
“Okay,” she softly replied. Because who was she kidding? She didn’t know of any other place she felt safer, than right here with Jack.