Page 37 of Dance for Me

Her heart was still pounding and she couldn’t slow it down. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Must just be the adrenaline wearing off,” she swallowed.

“That’s understandable, well you killed it and looked amazing.”

Should she tell Jack about the letter? Should she tell Jazz? No, maybe it was a prank and she shouldn’t worry about it.

“You wanna get some drinks at the bar?” Jazz asked, but suddenly Vanessa didn’t feel like celebrating her performance tonight. She just wanted to go home.

“I think I’m just gonna go actually, I’m pretty exhausted.”

“Okay hon, well text me.”

Vanessa gathered her things. Scooped up her purse with the envelope and letter without Jazz seeing and left the club.

When she got home, Vanessa looked at the card one more time before ripping it up. It was unsettling but she was going to try and forget about it for now.

Her phone dinged and a message from Doug came across her screen.

Doug: Hey beautiful can I see you soon?

Vanessa smiled. They'd talked a lot since her lunch date and it was comforting having a friend who she knew before. Someone she was once comfortable with.

Vanessa: Yeah. We can plan for a night at the club and get drinks.

She didn’t even find it weird that she would be hanging out at the club like it was a casual bar. The fact that it was a strip club didn’t bother her anymore. It was now more to her than just that.