The club always had their main dancers, Raven and Trixie. The other girls that Jack hired were ones that danced on the smaller stage but Vanessa didn’t really know them. They came in, did their thing, and went home. As a main dancer, you took the big center stage. Being the star of the show meant you danced for about twenty minutes and then the guests would watch the other girls on the smaller stage. There was always a main attraction each night and tonight, it was her but she wasn’t as nervous as before.
Jazz knocked on the door and cracked it opened. “You ready?” Jazz’s eyes widened, “Holy shit hon, you look amazing. I love it!”
Vanessa felt herself blush, “Yeah? You sure it looks okay?”
Jazz walked over to her and smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah hon. Now, get out there because it’s your moment to shine.”
Vanessa walked out on stage and there wasn’t anything coming from the audience, she hoped that was the reason for the crickets and hoped it was a good thing. The music drew her focus in, nothing but her emotions. She breathed in, inhaled the song, and drowned out the silent audience. Her hair hung long and flowed at her shoulder, draping down to mid back.
She felt invincible. Hell, she felt like a model as she moved slowly with the music. Hands flowed gracefully in the air, while she twirled in a sexy manner around the pole. She ran her fingers around it as she went into the circular motion. Closing her eyes, but still feeling the music.
She pictured Jack now, without finding him in the audience, without seeing him. She imagined he was there with her and she thought about his hands, his strong hands, touching her everywhere. Running them up and down her body and she moved as if he was actually there. Imagining his lips, licking her, kissing her tenderly.
She was picturing him finding her most sensitive spots on her body. She even moaned, as if he was really doing everything that she fantasized he was doing to her. If only it were real and not made up in her head.
She was drawn out of her fantasy when the song was over. She opened her eyes and the men let loose. Whistles, cat calls, clapping. She saw money being thrown, which in Jack’s club, they normally didn’t do because he had them pre-pay.
She felt like she was on stage for a Broadway show. Well, maybe not quite the same but they seemed to appreciate her performance.
The feeling wasn’t like anything she had ever felt. It was a rush, an adrenaline rush. She was proud of herself for the first time in a while and she was happy.
She caught everyone’s stares from the bar. Owen and Jazz had their jaws to the floor and Jack was burning his eyes through her. She decided to exit the stage through the audience instead of behind the stage. She walked down the steps and headed straight for the bar as she strutted through the crowd of men in only her lingerie. Excitement consumed her, ignoring the whistles and “heys” being called out to her. She kept going, kept walking straight to the bar. Straight to Jack and the rest of them, but mostly keeping her eyes locked on Jack. She felt a hand grab her arm, but they released it as soon as Jack made a step forward. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to where they were all standing.
“Oh. My. God,” Jazz squealed with excitement and Owen was standing there with his mouth still open. “That was incredible and beautiful and sexy and…”
Owen cut her off, “Love, there is no more secret in, Victoria’s secret. I think you just got your wings with a lil’ devil on the side.”
Vanessa smiled, blushed, and her heart became fuller.
She saw Jack. His stare piercing into her. Running his eyes up and down her like he was looking at a masterpiece, a work of art. It made her feel that way at least.
“So, Jack,” Owen said over to him, “what did you think about our little miss vixen? Doesn’t she look like an angel?”
Vanessa saw the way he kept looking at her and it made her ache for him. He made his approach to stand in front of her now and she could feel his heat.
“She was angelic.” They shared a moment, and she took a deep breath in, while he brushed her hair from her shoulder.
Angelic.Her insides burned. Owen raised his eyebrows, and Jazz just watched in silence. Then, he moved closer. Closest he could be without holding her, without taking her into his chest. It was just her and him and how he could make her feel like that, just by being inches in front of her, she didn’t know. It was like no one else existed around them. His massive body towering over her, which made her feel like nothing could harm her.
His warm breath touched her cheek as he leaned into her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her breasts being pressed on him. Even with the music she could hear his soft whisper to her.
“Now, go back in that dressing room and change before I need to fend off every salivating man who is watching you.” He leaned away, glancing behind her back to the audience, then to her again.
Her heart felt like it stopped but then he walked away up the stairs, toward his office. Vanessa couldn’t do anything but watch. The blood rushed to her feet but she finally moved and followed his orders by going to the dressing room to change.
She put on her jeans and top that she had on before her performance. It was warmer than her previous outfit but that was only because Jack wasn’t close to her anymore. Had nothing to do with the extra clothing.
A red card caught Vanessa’s eye. It was placed on her vanity table next to her things. It was sealed with a stamp that said her name, written in fancy letters. She hesitated for a minute before picking it up and opening it. Her eyes scanned the fancy calligraphy.
Dear Vanessa,
I saw you tonight. The way your body moved with every beat of the music. I was captivated by your grace and presence. You have no idea how beautiful you are and how bad I want you. I will have you with every breath I take, I will make you mine.
With love. Can’t wait to see you again.
Vanessa stared at it with her heart pounding, beating out of her chest. Her stomach turned with disgust. Who could this possibly be from? Was someone messing with her? If not, someone was watching her out there. But not only that, he threatened her with having her, wanting her. She heard a knock at the door and quickly slipped the letter along with the envelope under her bag.
“Hey hon,” Jazz slowly walked inside. “You are the talk of the night out there…” Jazz paused. “You definitely had Jack panting like a dog… hey, you okay? You look pale, Vanessa.”