Up in Smoke
Vanessa sat at the bar at Pink Lace and finalized her sketches. She used her illustrator program on her laptop to put in the colors and patterns. The excitement ran through her as she itched for all of her designs to be finalized.
Jazz came up behind her and draped her arms over her shoulders. “Oh honey, those are hot!” Owen stopped what he was doing behind the bar and turned her laptop to face him.
“The girls are gonna be lookin’ like a Victoria’s Secret model, who’s about to strut down the runway,” Owen said. Vanessa felt embarrassed but humbled.
“I have a sample outfit already on its way.”
“I’m so excited!” Jazz clapped her hands together. “Kind of wish I was still dancing now,” she threw her hands on her hips.
“You guys really think they’re that good?” Both Owen and Jazz gave her a look that reassured her that they were.
“Yes love,” Owen replied. “Maybe Jack will want a personal preview from you.” He wiggled his hips in a provocative playful way.
It had been a week since that night at her apartment. The night they almost kissed and whatever else it could have led to. Did she want more to happen? Yes, but he was her boss, despite everything, and she didn’t want to ruin her new job. Right? Wrong, but she had to keep telling herself that in order for it to sound convincing.
She liked her job, loved having control of her own designs. It was thrilling and exciting. But every time she thought of him, her chest ached. As much as she tried to block out her feelings, she just couldn’t. The words he said to her were on replay, playing over and over in her mind. The sincerity in every word, the kindness behind it all. It drove her absolutely mad.
As if it wasn’t bad enough, he'd barely spoken a word to her since. He gave her the occasional good morning or good night. Depending on when he saw her at the club.
It was completely awkward now.
“Owen…” Jazz looked at him with annoyance.
“What? It’s about time we addressed the elephant in the room with them two.”
Vanessa intervened, “There is nothing going on between us.”
“Um, something happened that night with you guys, you just won’t tell us what.” She looked at Owen’s scowling face, “He took me home, end of story.”
“Uh huh…” Owen said. Knowing damn well that wasn’t all that happened.
“I must admit. That was totally hot, what Jack did with your ex though.”
“Mhm,” Owen agreed with Jazz.
“You both need to get laid.” Vanessa found it ironic that she said that considering she hadn't had sex since she was with Doug and the thought of him made her uneasy now. “I’ll see you guys later.”
She walked out the back of Pink Lace and thought she should just walk back to her apartment. It was a nice day and she needed to clear her mind but she saw two people standing together that drew her attention.
It was Trixie and Jack. Bile rose in her throat.
Trixie had a flirtatious hand on Jack’s chest. The same chest Vanessa had rested her head on just a week before. Where she had placed her hand. Possessiveness, along with jealously washed over her. She wanted to walk away, not watch anymore, but it was as if her feet were glued to the ground. The way Trixie giggled and ran her hand through his hair made her stomach turn.
For as giddy as Trixie was, Jack’s expression said another thing. He kept his hands to himself and he wasn’t returning the flirty gestures she was giving him. It made Vanessa feel a little better at least. Did he not feel the same way about Trixie that she obviously felt about him? Or maybe that was why he was so quick to leave her apartment that night, because he did have feelings for Trixie.
She kept watching them both. It was like a train wreck and she couldn’t look away.
Trixie pressed her lips to Jack’s and Vanessa’s knees went weak. It didn’t look like he was enjoying it but he certainly didn’t pull back. She felt dizzy and wished there was something to grab a hold of. He wasn’t hers. So she needed to pull herself together. She wasn’t angry, no, she was envious of Trixie’s lips. She wanted to be her in that very moment.
A minute later, she saw Trixie get in her car to leave and knew that was her queue to flee the scene. She didn’t want Jack to see her there.
Wasting no time, Vanessa headed straight for the sidewalk with her head down. Maybe she could blend in with the crowd. Had she made it that far, it probably would have worked.
“Vanessa,” Jack called.
Dammit, she stopped and turned to face him. His hazel eyes reflecting off the sunlight. The sunlight that made his tan skin glow.