“You named your cat Sprinkles, like after an ice cream topping?” There was amusement in his voice and she glared at him.
“Have you not seen the Off…” She stopped mid question, “Never mind.”
She figured he didn’t watch much TV. Vanessa leaned against the bar this time because she didn’t know if she could handle anymore thigh touching without losing her shit.
“I like the place. It seems to suit you.”
“Thanks. I like it, too. That’s why I was willing to do anything to keep it.” Realizing her words had just defended Doug on what he said earlier. “I mean…”
“You were even willing to become a stripper,” his words beat her to her explanation.
“Yeah,” she tucked her hair behind her ear. A nervous habit of hers.
“Vanessa, I want you to know that I would never look at you like that.”
Her cheeks warmed as she met his gaze. Jack wasn’t arrogant, he was kind. Even though he looked intimidating at times, he was anything but and especially the way he had been with her tonight.
“Um, do you mind if I go change?”
She needed some breathing room. Vanessa hustled to her dresser and tugged out a pair of sweats and a tank top. “I’ll be right back.” She entered her bathroom, since her studio had no separate rooms and she changed. It was too much of Jack for her to handle right now.
She approached him where he was still sitting and handed him his leather jacket that he had given her to stay warm. Soon she realized she was standing directly in front of him. Where his massive thighs were open like an invitation.
“Thanks for letting me borrow this.” He eyed her breasts as they spilled out of her tank top on the way to accept his jacket. Then, he placed it down on the counter next to them. “I’m sorry about my mental breakdown out there. Tonight kind of solidified my failure in life,” she chuckled. “I guess I should also thank you, too, for coming to my rescue. Again.”
He reached up with his hand and took her wrist and was rubbing the pad of his thumb on her skin. Vanessa walked the little distance so that she now stood in between those massive thighs of his. “You are anything but a failure Vanessa,” he paused and her heart sped up. “You are one of the most intelligent women that I have ever known. You’re brave, you’re funny, even if you don’t mean to be, and you sure as fuck don’t give up on anything. You’re beautiful and sexy as hell,” he raised her hand to his lips and softly pressed his lips to her. The gentle, comforting feeling of them made her toes curl and reminded her of the first time they met. “And I would rescue you… a million times over and over again.”
She sucked in a breath. The overwhelming feeling of his words made a tear trickle down her cheek and that’s when he stood up. His hand cupped her cheek and his fingers swiped the tear away, keeping it from falling. He moved his hand directly behind her head as he pulled her slowly to him. Vanessa closed her eyes. She wanted to kiss him, feel those soft, gentle lips on hers.
She felt the warmth of his breath as he moved her closer. Her mouth parted for him.
Then, suddenly, she didn’t feel his warm breath anymore. Her eyes opened and he had already stepped away. The look in his eyes went to frustration and doubt. He then ran a hand through the front of his hair.
“I should go.”
“Wait, you don’t have to leave.” She closed the space between them and gently placed a hand on the back of his strong forearm. He paused and turned his head, only enough for her to see his profile.
“Vanessa, I’m sorry.”
She stood there in complete silence as she watched Jack walk out of her apartment. She couldn’t say anything, even though she wanted to.
She wanted to tell him not to leave again, beg him to stay. But she didn’t because he wanted to walk out. So, she let him.