A Blast from the Past
Being that it was Monday night and the Pink Lace was closed, Jazz talked her into meeting her and Owen at the dive bar across the street. Raven couldn’t go because she had to stay home and watch her son. Trixie opted out when she found out Vanessa would be there and Michelle had some kind of date already planned.
So, here she was, in a cleavage showing top, hair hanging loose, and her fuck me jeans on. She needed to let loose and have a fun night out. It had been way too long and overdue. Besides, after receiving her first pay check, it felt like a giant relief being able to pay her rent again. More of a relief knowing she wouldn’t have to move back home, at least not right now.
Vanessa downed the shot that the bartender left in front of her. Owen and Jazz, who stood next to her, did the same. “What the hell was that?” She set the glass down and wiped her mouth from the leftover tasty alcohol that grazed her lips.
“That love, is what’s called a buttery nipple,” Owen answered.
“A what?” Vanessa almost choked from laughing.
“A buttery nipple. It’s made with butterscotch schnapps and Irish cream.”
“Well, sign me up for one of those again later because that was amazing.” Vanessa wasn’t a fan of shots, unless she was about to go on stage and they tasted like that, then she could get on board.
“The best tasting nipple, like ever,” Jazz joked and they all laughed.
Owen chimed in, adding, “I bet Jack’s tastes better.” Both her and Jazz smacked him on opposite arms simultaneously.
“That’s our boss Owen.”
“Oh c’mon, he’s like the same age as us and I bet his nipples do taste absolutely delicious,” Jazz said as she licked her lips and leaned over Owen to see Vanessa. “I know you’ve noticed how hot he is,” she winked at Vanessa while pretending to fan herself off. Oh, did she ever. That’s all Vanessa could think about from the first time she saw him in the café. Her ovaries did a little dance every time he walked into the same room as her.
“Speaking of Jack,” Jazz said, “I wish he would come out at least one of these times we invite him. Guy needs something to loosen himself up once and awhile.”
Vanessa’s heart sped up, “Wait, you invited Jack tonight?”
“Oh honey, we invite him every time we go out. But he never shows.” Guess she wouldn’t really know that, since this was her first time going out with them. But did she want him to show up? Yeah, a part of her hoped that he would.
Owen made a coughing sound from choking on his drink. “You’re not going to believe this, but the devil himself just walked in.”
They all looked to the door and saw Jack heading their way. His sex appeal meter was off the charts and Vanessa noticed it, along with every female who he walked by. She was surprised their necks didn’t break off. His black leather jacket over his white shirt reminded her of Johnny Depp in Cry baby. Except, he was taller, hotter, and bigger. Also, he was now standing right in front of her.
“Hey,” he said as he eyed her up and down. Then he looked over to Owen and Jazz.
“Shit boss, it’s about time you showed up to one of our invitations. That we’ve been asking you to come to, for like ever now.”
“I had some free time,” Jack turned his focus back to Vanessa.
“And now we see why.” Owen mumbled under his breath and Jazz grabbed his arm.
“Uh… we’ll be back, we’re just gonna go look for songs.” Jazz got up and dragged Owen along to the jukebox who was smirking the entire way. What exactly did they think was going on between her and Jack? Because it wasn’t anything. At least she didn’t think it was anything.
Because of the crowd at the bar, Jack had to squeeze in next to her. He placed a protective hand on her lower back as he ordered them all beers from the bartender, for whenever Owen and Jazz decided to come back. She considered them MIA by choice and she’d either have to yell at them later or thank them. She wasn’t sure which one yet.
The bar was pretty busy and the music was loud, but Vanessa had a hard time focusing on anything else but the hot man next to her who had his hand on her back. His presence was hypnotizing, along with everything else about him.
“It seems you do actually like to have fun then.” Vanessa found herself uncontrollably moving closer to Jack. His hand was still on her lower back, but she could feel it inching more and more around her waist. She was feeling the heat radiate off his body onto hers and wondered what it would be like to run her hand under his shirt. She visualized him having abs of steel, which only made sense for him.
“You don’t think I like to have fun?”
“Not when you always answer a question with a question.”
“Fair enough,” he studied her, with his sexy dimple making an appearance. “I might not get out a lot because work always has me tied.”
“You don’t have like, a secondhand man?”
“Nope. Just me.”