“What had you up all night?” She saw his shoulders tense by his own question.
“Did the messy hair and sweatshirt give it away?”
“No. But your eyes do… and I like seeing the real you. No makeup, messy hair. Men find that to be sexy and on you, it is very sexy.”
She swallowed and nervously played with a strand of hair that fell from her bun. “Um… actually, I was working on sketches all night.” She saw his shoulders relax.
“Already? I’m impressed.” He leaned forward in his chair and she swore she caught his scent again. “Do you have some of them with you?”
Panic ran through her. What if he didn’t like them? She took out her sketch pad from her bag. When she opened it on the table, she accidently brushed her hand with his, sending electricity through her body. He ran a finger over her first drawing and met her eyes with his.
“Stunning.” It was almost as if he was talking about her, with the way he said it. So soft and genuine. But she pushed those thoughts away.
They spent hours at the café that morning. She showed him all her sketches and she listened to how he complimented them. He was interested in her stuff.
She enjoyed being around him, it felt almost natural talking to him and she wasn’t afraid to admit that she might have been wrong about him. There was more to Jack Angelos than meets the eye. He was a mystery that she wanted to solve. That left her excited and wanting more.