“These outfits are hideous,” she instantly regretted the poorly worded outburst of opinion. But she had thought about it the first time she saw them and she finally had the courage to tell her.
Hopefully she didn’t offend her. But how could they put these on and feel attractive? Women should feel sexy with what they wear, especially doing what they did as their profession.
“Ugh, I know, aren’t they? Trixie is pretty much in charge of the buying and I’m not sure why she thought these were a good idea,” Jazz chuckled.
Of course, Trixie was the buyer. Good thing she wasn’t in the room. Considering she made such a good impression with her the first time.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound offensive. Must be the designer in me.”
“You’re a fashion designer?” Jazz enthusiastically asked her.
“Yes, or I should say I was.” The memory of it made Vanessa feel a bit empty and sad. Was she really this desperate? Considering she was standing in front of a rack of clothes getting ready to dance tonight… Yes, apparently so.
They were soon interrupted by a knock at the door.
“C’mon we’re dying out here guys,” Raven yelled anxiously from outside the dressing room.
“Alright, here, this will do.” Jazz handed her a bright pink bikini ensemble and without protest, Vanessa put it on. She was going to look like Malibu Barbie in it, but she didn’t want to come off as snobbish more than she already had. Time to go practice before tonight.
With Owen, Raven, and Jazz as her audience, looking down from the stage at them felt worse than she thought. It was beyond intimidating and she felt completely vulnerable from being on display with hardly anything on. Felt like a total nightmare.
A low whistle came from Owen. “Sweetheart, if I wasn’t gay, you would be the sugar to my coffee… or the cream,” he winked.
The girls laughed and she smiled. “Thanks… I think.”
“Okay hon. Show us some of your moves,” Jazz said as Raven smiled.
“Um… Okay, how about this?”
Jazz started a song from her phone and Vanessa stepped one of her high heeled shoes forward and then backwards. She turned slowly in a circular motion while stumbling.
The stiletto heels were like trying to move on stilts and every time she attempted to step, she lost her balance. She was already wearing the robe, why not just come out in slippers. Men don’t notice shoes anyway.
She danced until halfway through the song and she heard the music stop. Raven started waving her hand to her. “Uh, darlin’, you’re not at a wedding doing the electric slide, you’re a stripper,” Raven said with a playful smile.
Okay, attempt number one didn’t go as planned. “Guys, I really don’t think I can do this.” Vanessa let out a sigh, as she looked down at them in front of her.
“Okay, Owen. Go get this poor woman a shot.” Jazz paused for a moment. “Actually, make that two.”
“Good idea,” he said and two minutes later he came back juggling five shot glasses in his hands. Everyone looked at him in confusion.
“What? If we’re gonna watch, we also need one.”
“You’re hilarious,” Vanessa said sarcastically and Owen blew an air kiss at her.
After everyone downed their shots of tequila and letting it kick in, Vanessa felt a bit more relaxed than when she first started.
Jazz got up from her seat below the stage. “Alright, now, I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath. When the music starts, I want you to feel it, don’t let your focus wander to your audience. If you’re nervous, they will know it. Okay?”
Vanessa gulped and nodded her head.
“Okay. Let’s try this again.”
Jazz started the slow song over and Vanessa closed her eyes. She gave herself a second before starting again. This time, she only stumbled on her heels once or twice. Her body felt less tense and she moved more gracefully. If it was the tequila, she didn’t care, she just wanted to make it through this night. Too bad it was only practice and the real nightmare was still to come.
“Better,” Raven said.
“She’s right, that was better.” She looked down at Jazz smiling and she returned the relieved look. “Now, let’s do it again and don’t be afraid to work the pole.”