So, become a stripper and pay her bills, or move back home where her mom would tell her that she pretty much sucked at life right now. But did she have what it took?
That must have been enough motivation and self-pep talk that she needed because she tossed the blanket from her and went to stand in front of her mirror. If she was going to showcase herself, she needed to see if she even looked the part. She was regretting, now more than ever, those skipped spinning sessions with Michelle.
She removed her blazer, followed by her top. Then she unzipped her jeans and took them off. Leaving her with nothing on but her bra and underwear.
She turned to the side and looked at her ass. Definitely had enough there, what was the saying? Yes, junk in the trunk. Her boobs were pretty decent as well and she even had a mini four pack going, well only if she stood straight and sucked in.
“Fuck it.”
She snatched Jack’s card from the fridge and dialed his number. She saved it in her contacts and then kissed every moral she had goodbye along with her dignity. She hit send.
Vanessa: I’ll do it.
She waited for an answer as she gripped her phone tightly, her heart racing.
Mr. Arrogant: Even though I’m fully intrigued. I have to ask, who is this?
Oh right, she didn’t leave her name, how dumb.
Vanessa: It’s Vanessa and sorry about my outburst earlier. I’ll take the job if ur still offering.
She bit her nail as she waited for his next answer.
Mr. Arrogant: Of course I’m still offering you the job and you don’t have to apologize. You can start tomorrow night. Come at six and ask for Jazz.
Vanessa didn’t reply to that, she just laid her phone down and put her face into her hands. What the hell was she doing?