Page 51 of Corrupted Tyrant

“This,” Candy says, her voice ringing out clear and strong, “is Courage. My love, my partner, my protector, my soulbound mate.” She does that thing where, though she’s talking to a huge crowd, it’s as though she’s taking them into her confidence. “Lucky me, right?” She waggles her eyebrows. “And he’s going to help me sing this last song, if that’s alright with all of you.”

The answering roar is deafening, a tidal wave of approval that sweeps over us, through us. Candy squeezes my hand, her eyes shining with pride and adoration.

“Go get your flute, baby. I brought it tonight. It’s right there.” Her smile is brighter than the stage lights as she points to the stagehand who is holding it up in the wings. “And let that gorgeous tail of yours breathe. You’re a wolven, my wolven, and you don’t have to hide anymore.”

My heart feels like it might burst as I hurry backstage, shedding my confining layers, freeing my tail, and grabbing my flute with shaking hands.

When I return, Candy is beaming, her hand outstretched once more. I take it, letting her pull me close, our foreheads touching in wolven greeting for a single, shining moment.

“I wrote this song recently.” She squeezes my hand, not hiding her affection from her fans. “It’s called ‘Courage to Love’.”

Air explodes out of me as my chest tightens. I’ve hear snatches of it, but she never told me the title. I know humans give mating gifts. She couldn’t have given me anything more precious if she had gifted me a million dollars.

And then, we play. My flute and her guitar for the intro. Then I keep the flute in my grip as our voices rise and twine together in a harmony so pure, so perfect, it feels like the universe itself is singing through us.

I lose myself in the music, in the magic of this moment. In the love shining in Candy’s eyes, in the acceptance and joy radiating from the crowd.

In the knowledge that I am seen, I am cherished, I am home.

As the final notes fade away, I clutch my flute too tightly, my heart too full for words. But Candy, my incredible Candy, says it all with a single look, a single touch.

“I love you,” she whispers, her microphone forgotten. “Forever and always.”

“Forever and always,” I echo, pulling her into a kiss that feels like a promise, like a vow.

A kiss that tastes of hope, of healing, of a love so vast and true it could light the world.

As we stand there, wrapped in each other, the crowd cheering and the confetti falling like stars around us, I know with bone-deep certainty that this is just the beginning.

The beginning of our forever, our always.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


The Integration Zone looms before me, a sprawling, bustling hive of life and energy. It’s a far cry from the glittering high-rises and manicured lawns of my old neighborhood, but as Courage squeezes my hand, I feel a sense of rightness, of belonging, settle deep in my bones.

This is where I’m meant to be. Here, with my love, with the pack that has become my family over the last few months as I finished my tour and made the arrangements to move here.

Today’s move-in day.

As we make our way through the winding streets, past colorful murals and street vendor carts, I can’t help but marvel at the sense of community, of unity, that permeates every inch of this place.

Here, differences are celebrated, Otherness embraced. Here, I’m not Candy Wood, former child star and tabloid darling. I’m just Candy, Courage’s mate, newest member of the Wolven Warriors’ inner circle.

The headquarters comes into view, a sturdy, red-brick building that exudes a sense of warmth and welcome. Courage leads me inside, his tail wagging with barely contained excitement.

“Welcome home, love,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my temple.

Home. The word settles into my heart like a contented sigh. I’ve lived in mansions and penthouse suites, but nothing has ever felt as right, as true, as this moment, this place.

We step into the large common room they call the den, and I’m immediately engulfed in a sea of smiles and wagging tails. Fury is there, his gruff exterior belied by the warmth in his eyes as he pulls me into a rough hug.

“Glad to have you here, though I’m not quite sure how a kitten is going to fare among all these wolven.”

“If they all treat me as well as you do, you big marshmallow, I’ll be fine.”

“Shhh!” His eyes widen as though he’s terrified. “Do NOT let them hear you call me that. Do you want to ruin my street cred?”