“New lesson for the day, I believe. Always look at candidates’ files,” Alfred says.
“Funny guy, Alfred,” I scoff and finally sit down.
“Maybe it is a good thing that Ms. Snow is here for now. I am aware of your past relationship,” Nick pats me on the shoulder.
“You have no business talking about that, Nick.”
“Right. My apologies,” he nods and apologizes. He does not seem apologetic, though.
“I just cannot believe how she is still holding a grudge against me even years after leaving her. She does not know that leaving her was for her own sake. I did everything I could to keep her away, and here she is. She can’t be here. How did I miss this?”
“Did she suspect anything about you or the company?” Nick asks.
“I don’t have a clue, but she is in the office right now, working diligently.”
“So, she is interested in the project after all. That is good news. I would love for her to come into this office today. Have her look and see what she can do with this place,” Nick says, leaning back in his chair.
“Nick, I know you are my older brother, but I don’t take orders from you.”
“I am just trying to be friendly, Ethan.”
“Lily will handle my office for now. And given the strange, shared attitude of the two of you, she might only deal with my office,” I say, pointing at both Nick and Alfred.
Nick and Alfred always try to get in my way, but I will not allow them to do so. Lily will not go anywhere other than my office in the meantime.
“There is no harm in introducing us, Ethan,” Alfred says as he looks at Nick, who looks like he is enjoying the conversation.
“Stop it. Both of you. She will only work on decorating Rothschild Pharmaceuticals, and you will remain far away from her,” I add as I unbutton the collar of my shirt.
There must be a reason Lily and I meet again. I must do it right this time, but I am not sure what is the right thing to do. What I am sure of is that I need to be next to her. I have missed everything about her.
“Now, if you will excuse me, I will be heading back to the office.”
“We must discuss the email that I forwarded to you, Ethan. It is important.”
“I have more important business to take care of other than false accusations.”
I don't have time for this. Lily is in the office, and I wish to keep talking to her and know more about her. I must also keep her safe, I think to myself.
“Tell me you've seen the email at least? The FDA is after us again. We need to take our customers’ data a bit more seriously. “We don't want to attract attention,” Alfred says as I head out.
“What attention are you talking about, Alfred?”
“The things we do here might be considered unethical by some. And that has undoubtedly attracted attention. Unwanted, for sure.”
“Alfred, the only attention the Rothschild Pharmaceuticals attracts is that of wealthy investors.”
“I am aware of that. We all are. I am just saying that the last thing we need right now is the FDA investigating this place again. We got a warning last night. Our second one. We do not need that happening again,” Alfred says, seeming worried.
“If the FDA ever decides to investigate us again, we'll find a way around it. We always have. Give our attorney a call and have him meet me tonight. Our usual place. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have a more important matter to deal with.”
I leave the room and walk into the hallway. The scent of Lily’s perfume is getting stronger as I get closer to my office. It is not only her blood, but also her vanilla-scented perfume.
“Your meeting ended so soon?” she asks as I walk towards her.
“Nothing that I cannot handle,” I reply as I place my laptop back on my desk, which now has a vase full of fresh tulips.
“Do you like them?”