Page 76 of Petals and Fangs

“Well, vampires don't believe in Heaven or Hell. But the majority of us believe that our souls are doomed for eternity. So, the suffering is there.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Don't be. It's not your fault.”

“So, how did you become a vampire? Do you remember how it happened?”

“Lily, we are here,” I say as I pull over. I am certain that if we hadn't reached our destination, she would have turned our little drive into an interrogation some more.

“Oh, wow. Didn't you tell me to not set foot here ever again?” she looks outside the window.

“El Diablo is safer when you are with me, Lily. Plus, I need to talk to some people, and you'll be safer in a place full of vampires that work for me instead of being on your own,”" I reply and open the car door for her.

I am sure Nick is here somewhere. He told me to meet him up here where we can plot something against Demetrius and his group. We are going to need a plan if we want to find out what he is planning on doing.

Or maybe he is not planning anything at all, and it is just the fact that he knows who I am and wants to get my attention.

I guide Lily by the hand towards the VIP section where it is quieter, safer, with less noise and people. We have to walk past a bunch of people who are dancing and drinking, and even a few who are making out. Lily is a bit nervous, and I can feel her grip on my hand tightening.

“Are all of these vampires?” she whispers in my ear, making me smile.

“You are the only human here. That would explain the stares,” I point at a couple who are glaring at Lily.

“That's not very nice,” she whispers, and I pull her closer.

“They are not used to seeing humans around. Plus, the fact that you are a human with me makes them want to know who you are,” I tell her, making her blush.

“Should I worry?”

“No. They are not allowed to lay a hand on you,” I say as I swipe my card on the lock and allow ourselves in.

“What makes you so sure?” she asks.

“Because everyone here is a faithful client of mine. They know if they mess up, somehow, the consequences will be huge.”

“They fear you, then.”

“Yes. I suppose they do. But they respect me too.”

“Good to know.”

“In fact, everyone does, except you and your never-ending questions.”

“Well, excuse me. I'm just curious,” she teases, and rolls her eyes.

I grab her waist and pin her on the wall where it is dark, dimly lit in red, and I can smell the scent of her sweet perfume. I press my lips on hers, tasting her.

She is surprised at first, but then she opens her mouth to let me explore it. Our tongues dance together, and our breathing gets faster.

I can't help but moan into her mouth and press my body closer to hers. But I can't let this get too far. Not right now. There are things that need my attention.

“Easy there,” I break the kiss and stare deep into her eyes. She is flushed, and I can hear her heart beating so fast.

“Of course, you had to do that.”

“Feel free to chill in the VIP section. I just need to make some calls.”

“Are you sure I'm going to be safe here?”