Page 36 of Until We Weren't

“We’re about to find out,” Amy said. “Here she comes.”

Faith couldn’t stop the smile that grew on her face as Destiny opened the front door. She had always been and would always be the most beautiful woman Faith had ever seen. When Destiny met her gaze Faith could tell she was holding back a smile, but she could see it in her eyes. This is a good start.

“Hi, Amy. I’m Destiny Green,” she said, walking towards Amy and extending her hand. “I don’t think we’ve met, but Mark told me you’re the one that keeps this place going.”

Amy chuckled and shook Destiny’s hand. “That’s a nice thing to say, but we all know who runs things.” She gestured with her thumb towards Faith.

Destiny grinned and leaned in. “She can be quite the perfectionist.”

Faith cleared her throat, getting their attention. She knew Destiny was teasing and it made her heart do this flutter thingy that only Destiny could do.

“Um, I’m right here,” Faith said, holding up her hand.

“You two get to work and win us that contract,” Amy said, walking towards the door. “It was nice to meet you.”

“I hope to see you again, Amy,” Destiny said with a smile.

Faith looked on and felt such warmth in her heart. Destiny had a way of making someone feel like they were the only person in the room. She was friendly and so charming. She made it look easy. Faith was always amazed because meeting new people was hard for her. She needed to remember to let Destiny present their bid to the contractor. Her charms would be an advantage.

“Why are you staring at me?” Destiny asked, her brow furrowed. “Do I have something on my face?”

“No.” Faith smiled and shook her head. “I was just thinking that you need to present the bid to the contractor.”


Faith tilted her head. “You know why.” She grinned. “You put people at ease; it’s one of your super powers.”

Destiny grimaced. “I don’t know about that. You can be very passionate and convincing when you present a project.”

Faith smiled, pleased that Destiny saw her that way. “I’m glad you wanted to meet later in the day,” she said. “Did you go home and take a nap?”

Destiny nodded. “Yeah, I had to rest.” She shrugged. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”

Faith chuckled. “I know what you mean.”

“You’re still just a baby,” Destiny said. “But not for long. Your birthday is just around the corner.”

Faith groaned. She wasn’t surprised that Destiny remembered because she loved to make birthdays special, but being the center of attention wasn’t Faith’s favorite thing.

“This is a big birthday. It ends in a zero,” Destiny said, raising her eyebrows.

Faith shrugged. “You know how I am about birthdays.”

Destiny tilted her head and studied Faith for a moment.

“What?” Faith asked.

“Let’s get our work done then maybe we could talk?” Destiny said cautiously.

“I’d like that.” Faith smiled. “You can set your computer up over here.” She cleared a space on her desk next to her laptop and pulled a chair over for Destiny. The idea of sitting next to her and working on a project together gave Faith a feeling of delight. Was that joy? She hadn’t felt that in such a long time. Faith took a deep breath and slowly let it out, hoping to somewhat calm those feelings.

“I’ve got the business complex layout uploaded into the landscaping software so we can play around with ideas and see how they look,” Destiny said, booting up her computer and opening the program.

Faith got her notebook out and opened it. She wondered if Destiny was feeling the same way. If so she wasn’t showing it, but she didn’t look unhappy or nervous either. “I’ve been going over my notes and thinking about different approaches to the property.”

“Okay,” Destiny said, leaning back in her chair.

Faith could feel Destiny’s gaze on her and when she looked up Destiny smirked.